@sladakrobot: These types of games are typically very complicated in general, but you won't be thrown to the wolves. You get to ease into everything and can keep things simple to start off, then you learn more advanced tactics as your city gets larger. There's also in-game hints and tools to guide you along.
State of Decay wasn't just some zombie game and it wasn't just some survival game. It was a game that took the best from both genres and then added it's own aspects to create something truly unique. It's pretty impressive what they managed to do with such a small budget and team.
My only concern is rather or not there's enough variety. The game looks fun from the videos I saw, but it looked like the missions were a bit generic and repetitive. I kind of got an AC1 vibe from it...looks and sounds good in theory, but gets old quick when you play it.
ExoticCharm's comments