Jeez, the PS4 fanboys are working overtime trying to do damage control.
I was watching someone's stream earlier where they were on a desolate planet with very little plant life or obstacles. The game's frame rate was still suffering. The only time I didn't see the game lag is in space, which has practically nothing in it to begin with. The frame dips are more common than the article wants people to believe.
"Once you double back on yourself with a full 180 turn, or even slow down, suddenly we're back to an even 30FPS again. From here, the frame rate issues disappear once you start moving again," Digital Foundry said.
See guys? If you don't run or go exploring new areas, then you don't have those frame drops. It's not like you will be doing either of those very often, right?
Starbound has pretty much everything that NMS offers, and that's not to say other random-gen games haven't given us just as much in terms of content. I never did understand how people could get so hyped for a game that ultimately offers little in terms of uniqueness. You'd think by now that people would learn to stop riding the hype train.
Funny how people in the comments are trying to praise sony for not allowing Ark. What's their excuse for when sony promoted the hell out of that terrible 7 Days to Die port or what's happening now with Paragon? Both games are early-access, yet are on PS4.
The FF7 remake is already looking like a colossal mess. Imagine how much worse the remake will be if fools support this FF15 season pass and SE decides to make it a common thing for all future FF games.
Maybe I will buy the game in a year when the $30 "everything-that-should-have-been-there-in-the-first-place" edition comes out.
@Warlord_Irochi: It's a "guilty pleasure" type game. The Dynasty Warriors, Samurai Warriors, and Warriors Orochi series all suck for the most part for various reasons, but that doesn't change the fact that they are fun to play. It's mindless action that you can have with a friend, and Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate is the best of them all due to it's amount of content.
Last time I checked, there were other games/betas/trailers coming out for things without "pokemon" in the title. Could we try making some articles about those once and know, for a change in pace?
ExoticCharm's comments