I wonder how long it will be until Nintendo starts making all of their stuff into freemium games. I bet the day will come where in a Mario game mushrooms won't appear out of '?' blocks unless you have the season pass.
@sladakrobot: If she actually considers a follower on a site like this to be a friend, then YIKES is that bad. That would be as pathetic as those people who think having followers on facebook means something.
Comparing this article to other articles involving the ACTUAL developers, it makes you wonder if gamespot has a vendetta against xbox. Every developer is praising the Xbox One X, with many mentioning how easy it was to hit benchmarks (ex: GGG mentioned that Path of Exile was running 4k/60fps after working on it for only 2 hours). Oh, and lets not forget that this:
"No additional optimizations for the specific hardware or graphical changes were done to the games for these tests, so the results are just a rough estimate of the Xbox One X's capabilities."
If you aren't using optimizations, then what's the point?
@mpl911: The NPCs will teleport back to their houses after awhile assuming they are assigned to one. Just leave the area and explore (or sometimes you can load/reload) and they will be back home after awhile.
The NPCs have several uses, most notably that they will sell you stuff to make your journey easier. Others can do services like reforging items to give you better loot. Unlocking each NPC has a different requirement for them to show up (ex: the merchant shows up when you get 50 silver i believe), but you will need a valid home/room for most of them to show up at all.
One last thing. NPCs will get attacked and can die, but don't worry if that happens. A new one will show up after while to replace the other one.
If you ever get stuck, the wiki is really well done. Though personally, I would try to only use it if you feel you aren't progressing. Figuring out the surprises in this game is half the fun. :)
ExoticCharm's comments