Eyezonmii's forum posts
Seeing how the Resident Evil series have turned into a more action oriented game I would rather see the old one being remade, but this is only my take that only revolves around this specific series. However generally speaking I would rather see new games being made then returning to old era game that just had a few makeover. Remakes to me are only okay if they are done right(RE Remake), but if it just a upgrade version visually then I would most likely pass.-DarthMaul-then your in luck, in a recent interview Capcom expressed interest in remaking Resident Evil 2, due to demand and its popularity. Interested?
If people can look past the graphics and see how it plays, it looks fun and very good. Graphics arn't that bad for a wii game either, thanks to the engine High Voltage are working on.
And knowing how well some games can work with the wiimote (MP3) it sure to be even better.
to hide the uglinessseannn199LMFAO!
Ugh couldnt it just mean that the gameplay footage he saw before isnt the same gameplay footage at the VGAs? Like, couldnt it be another level or something? Geesh, everyone is so quick to jump to conclusions. lol. carljohnson3456Thank you, another SMART person.
[QUOTE="Eyezonmii"]I agree that Gears3 on nest xbox lauch would be EPIC! But only fanboys and haters think that 360 is maxed out. You guys said the same thing when Gears1 came out..... Oh...and Gears2 is graphically >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that gears1 in every single department! Graphics king acording to most reviewers, remember? lol, that a joke? gear 2 doesn't >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Gears 1 graphically (by that much). Gears 2 just has improved lighting added with more color, bigger enviroments and added things on screen. The detail is still the same if not worse considering textures. Gears 2 IMO, has less good wall textures than the first...because of the improvments i've stated, so sacrifices took place in order to have those improvements happen. When i first popped in Gears 2 and did the training, it looked so much liked the first gears...it good parts are the caves and when you go underground. I think you need to replay gears 1. But yes gears 2 looks better, but NOT by that much.IMO, this is a bad idea...i would much rather have it for the next xbox and it to be a launch title, that way MS can kick off the new hardware with gears 3.
Gears 2 already max's the hardware and even needed to take short cuts to achieve it (Gears 1 showed MORE better textures than Gears 2). I just don't see the point in having a franchise be done 3 times on one console.
Almost sounds like desperation from MS, since they need more titles for 09 and beyond. Considering all the GOOD and proven titles have come and gone. of course thats if THIS IS TRUE..hopefully not.
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