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#2 Eyezonmii
Member since 2008 • 2145 Posts
[QUOTE="CleanPlayer"]sigh.......we all know who is in last place.Salt_The_Fries
Quick pwnage.

Yep, luckily MS were smart to launch a year b4 the competition, its the only thing that kept them going, and the fact that they rip off others more so. take that way, MS would have died long ago. They knew this, its why they rushed it out the door and lead to the RROD issues.
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#3 Eyezonmii
Member since 2008 • 2145 Posts

[QUOTE="Eyezonmii"][QUOTE="sonicmj1"]No company has come close to matching Microsoft's efforts in the online space. They're forging new ground with XBLA, XNA Community games, party chat, achievements, Netflix streaming, and more. sonicmj1

and again i have noted that....gsus. READ!

So why does the online space not count? It has a large impact on my gaming experiences, and it's an area where Microsoft isn't copy-pasting. Instead, they're blazing ahead of the competition.

I didn't see people hating on the PS2 for bringing practically nothing new to the table from a hardware standpoint, besides DVDs, while the Xbox had a hard drive. The Wii has proven this gen that hardware isn't what matters. It's the software that counts. The hardware is merely a means to an end. In terms of software, MS is well ahead of the competition.

it counts, it just not as major as to what SONY and NINTENDO have done this gen. When will MS excel in something, TECH-wise or Hardware-wise?
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#4 Eyezonmii
Member since 2008 • 2145 Posts
like i've edited above..the new xbox experience, now lets you install some of the games on the harddrive...LOL. 360 should be renamed the PS3..i swear.
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#7 Eyezonmii
Member since 2008 • 2145 Posts
WOW at how many people don't read..i've addressed that both NINTY and SONY copy too, but THIS gen is makes MS stick out so much more. as for achievements, i don't care..i was merely talking about tech/hardware-wise. Besides achievements is nothing fancy, considering its like unlockables/awards, something games have had for long time. I don't even see the benifits of both achievements and trophies.
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#8 Eyezonmii
Member since 2008 • 2145 Posts

haha shut up...you act as if KZ2 is gonna be the next half-life

i'm sure killzone 2 will be decent for what is...but dont kid yourself.the game will be a generic ,paint by numbers shooter with great HD graphics...that will offer nothing PC shooters havent already done.

and who cares about the classes in KZ2...when i can just play Team fortress 2+mods

i love how ,whenever Sony does something that PC Games have already been doing for years..consoletards praise it like its never been done before. :roll:


If K2 is generic, so is Half life....its a freakin FPS, you want flying elephants and naked pink boys flying added to it? You haven't played K2 too, yet you think you know it....Systemwars..oh, systemwars.

haha you're lame

half-life is generic?..that's funny,seeing how the half-life series, pretty much set the standard for most,if not all FPS' you see today...not to mention there's still mods being made for ..pretty sad a game from the late 90's has more depth than your precious KZ2...put it this way...if you were to compare the two to reading...

Half-Life series=George Orwell's "1984"

Killzone 2 = an issue of Auto trader..

and i dont need to play KZ2..just from the videos i know it will be a generic piece of **** with good graphics that appeals to console kiddies..

the game reeks of "been there,done that a million times with better games"

oh and btw,flying elephants in a game would be more fun and have more depth,than KZ2 or any other generic console shooter;)

yep, when you come short of actual proper comebacks, they usually drop a "your're lame" comment. FUNNY stuff. the whole "HL set a new bar crap" is just plain PC fanboy talk. None of todays games resemble Half life. Plays nothing like them, and i'm glad cause HL was rubbish, IMO...sure it excelled in areas, for its time, but we all know their are better games that came out before it and pushed the FPS genre in better directions. Games now play better than HALF LIFE, and IMO killzone 2 stomps a MUD HOLE in it, concerning ANIMATIONS, graphics, bullet hit detection, gameplay..and sheer realism all around. BTW, know one denied what HL did to the FPS market, your got all defensive and ASSUME all the KZ2 lovers haven't played many shooters and that K2 is hyped for graphics alone..boy are you dead wrong.
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#9 Eyezonmii
Member since 2008 • 2145 Posts

360 comes out, great console, great graphics good games....

PS3 comes out...

MS "1080p is useless, all games will be 720p, we don't care about 1080p blah blah"

MS "we don't care for bluray, DVD is the norm, blah blah"

Not long later....

360 comes out with a HDMI input and games support 1080 upscaling and a HDDVD external drive and introduce SKU's with bigger HDD's.

Now we have MS releasing a NEW Xbox experience, that pretty much resembles Mii's.

Is that all MS does, Copy and paste? Yes its business and competition, but its also sad to see how both SONY and Nintendo..have something to offer in there own feilds, yet MS stands back watches and rips it off.

YES, SONY and NINTENDO do it too, but so far this gen, MS stick outs like a mofo. Besides ONLINE, MS don't do much to stick out (tech-wsie). Only reason the 360 got to where its at is because of the early YEAR start and Ripping ideas off.

we see SONY adding bluray, wifi, rechargable controllers (no batteries), free online, introducing 1080p content and FULL HD experiences, etc.

Nintendo, with its casual and winning approaches with the wiimote, Mii's, etc...

but Microsoft...what? Same stuff, different console. I don't see ONLINE as a big deal, since NOW Sony has it free and almost just as good.

I want to make something clear, i LOVE my 360..i just hate MS. But i guess when you have deep pockets, you don't need to think.

and don't get me started with the CONSOLE hardware design, we all know how bad that is. the 360 this gen seems like that ugly kid in the bunch that luckily gets picked because somone feels sorry for it. Like i said, if it wasn't for the Head start, early support and ripping off, the 360 would be dead last.

thank you, and try keep the posts and opinions in a nice and mature manner..as this is MY opinion.

BTW, the new Xbox experience lets you load some of the game on the HDD (improve loadtimes and noise reduction), isn't this what SONY does with some of its games, something every lemming said was laughable? LOL

yet another rip off.