Eyezonmii's forum posts
lol, you try to hard. Uncharted 2 in those pics already shows better lighting, color and more better textures and those are just EARLY screens. As for your gears 2 comment....why bother comparing a finished product to one thats still in development?uncharted 2 looks like unchated 1 with 4X AA
gears 2 have better graphics
[QUOTE="-Mad_Rhetoric-"]If you want to see overrated graphics just take a look at Resident Evil 5. Sure Chris looks great, everything else? not so much :? Overrated? lol, get out...Resident Evil 5 looks insane, yes the environment textures aren't as detailed, but who wants shiny wet waxed walls, (that every game seems to use now) thats just isn't how walls look in real-life and from a distance, Resident Evil 5's environmental textures look good enough. I'm guessing by the final version will be polished more so, so lets wait and see. Lets not forget that Resident Evil 5 has DE BEST character models in a console game, IMO..and add the fact how good the draw distance, ammount of enemies on screen and some of the best explosions/fire...i think Resident Evil 5 has a right to be praised by many. Again, its also a demo and apparently an older build too.Before the cows eat me alive, let me just say:
Uncharted is one of the best looking games I've seen, and will be buying it soon
But I think the graphics are over rated, the game looks like a cartoon and sometimes the character models look like plastic action figures.
people have always said uncharted looks better than gears and mgs4
Uncharteddidn't even get 10/10 or even 9.5/10 for graphics
IGN gave Gears of War 1 and MGS4 a 10/10 for graphics
and uncharted a 9/10 for graphics
"Graphically, Uncharted's beautiful as you tear down trees with turrets, watch Nate's clothes saturate with lagoon water and the sun filter through the leaves, but there is a lot of texture pop-in on the jungle floor and treasures while aliasing on the walls and screen tearing are par for the course. It shouldn't take you out of the experience, but it is noticeable"
that being said how could it even be called graphics king?
also say Uncharted 2 is the graphics king doesn't make sense either since it looks almost exactly the same
[QUOTE="Eyezonmii"]Animal-Mother said it best. The new gameplay perspective was needed, its why capcom changed it. After the sales of RE remake, the formula was getting old...everyone saw this, hell even the developers were getting bored with the old ideas (watch the RE4 making). The new change is so much better, who doesn't want to be able to aim and shoot where they please? Melee the enemies, do what you can to survive, i see it as a much more realistic approach, to the classic surcruity cam-view..where you just run around and shoot, most of the time walking around zombies...just doesn't cut it, after so many sequels. After what capcom did with RE4, seeing the copy cats..it go's to show you capcom did it right and after all the awards won..its what people wanted. Your not forced to buy and upgrade ammo, play it like you would classic re games....hows that? Juggernaut140Too bad the formula they changed to was already old for the genre ???????
[QUOTE="Eyezonmii"]CONSOLE GRAPHICS KING..not overall. god these PC people are annoying..with there specs and GPU's. Brag when you get more good games. bladeeagle
Get more games? PC has greatest number of AAAes and AAes so I have no idea what you're talking about.
Not IMO..all i see PC guys talk about is Crysis and having superior graphics. but whatever.[QUOTE="TheGrat1"]Because there hasnt been a good wrestling game since the N64.runker
Wrestlemania 2000 ftw.
errr, No Mercy?
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