FF12BK's forum posts
^^ You can buy it at the Eruyt Village (later on the game) for 4500 gils. License Level 8 accessories 金のアミュレット
Another useful accessory EXP x 2 雛のティペット. Old Archades 5000 gils. License Level 14.
August 06 is the date of the U.S. release.
Btw, why won't the guards allow me to go north of Nalbina Fortress? Theres this girl hiding behind the wall and looking at the gate. GameFAQs said I can go pass there before Eruyt. I'm already finished with Henne Mines and back again to Eruyt, bu tI cannot pass there still.
By the way, is ther ea chance tha tGold Amulet are sold at Eruyt? There are lots of accessories sold there and I don't know which one is the one I need.
How much is the Gold Amulet?
The Gold Amulet is 4500 gil. Use this FAQ http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/file/final_fantasy_xii_a.txt i think this one is simple and easy to understand.
In my observation, I think the weather system in FF12 is base on three primary theories. First is random. Second, I've heard that (the Giza plains) will change base on a timeline within the story. Third, besides the Giza plains, I've try to observe the weather of many places........ it seems that weather will change in a realistic manner. For example, a cloudy sky will follow by rainy season then little rain will change to rather hard rain or normal weather. No snow to normal snow and to hard snow......
It's quite hard and there are no solid evidence to support whether which theories are more correct than the others. But the simpiest way if you want a certain type of weather to occurs (for those mob hunts) is to go out and in the area a several times. If not then come back later and thats the ways I used for the weather to appear.
Anyway, i will try to seach more infor regarding the changing of weather in FFXII, I will post any updates ASAP (if i can find one) :P
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