FL_Lloyd's forum posts
sorry... i dont get bad humorogvampireExcellent me neither Unfortunately not everyone shares the same idea of 'good' or 'bad' humor, crazy I know. It's okay racing1750, I chuckled. ;)
Big Baby is cleared to play tonight, I hope he cetches Howards jaw with an elbowfastrAnd in the end this is what separates us. I'll never blast a player for something I merely 'think' is intentional, and then wish for him to be injured.
You mean two calls by the same officials in the same game? no.. they could NEVER have anything to do with each other, right?fastrCompletely dismissed the idea that he might just be the most active guy in the paint. We obviously have very different viewpoints.
"This is a very good, huge game, with months of replay value for your nephew, your casual gamer, your parents, your Nintendo fanboys."clicketyclickExactly, he says it's a good game for young kids, casuals, and fanboys. He completely dismisses the idea that people with more than a slight interest in gaming could possibly enjoy the game. ie. almost every other reviewer on the web. Much like people here, as you say, completely dismiss the idea he could possibly think this way. Again, his primary complaint was the fact you have to point at the screen. When actually, as long as you don't care for star bits, you really only have to point when you're playing one of the few Yoshi levels. Definitely not any consecutive three hours causing physical harm, as he suggested. There's no problem with expressing a different opinion and it's great that he can still recognize it's a solid game. It just would have been much better if it was a well-written article actually explaining his grievances and his view of the game instead of coming up with a couple paragraphs similar to what can be found in Gamespot's User Reviews. (No offense to all, some of you do actually write decent reviews. :))
Please when you are delibrately bring down your elbow in the fashion he does when someone is near him that is dirty. Don't give me this garbage that its the other players fault. :|xscrapzxSo he deliberately does this to his own players too? He is a bad guy, I'ma jump on the bandwagon.
You can't consistently elbow people in the head and just say it's an accident every time, and even if it is he still deserves a foul for it. You know what really was an accident? Perkins hand slipping off a sweaty arm and tapping the guy behind him with his elbow, yet thats a technical foul? You can't even begin to argue that those calls are right. A real accidental elbow verse Howard giving people concussions, ones a tech the other is always ignored? give me a break. fastrYou're going to bring up every call you think was bad in order to support your Howard theory? lol Other calls are irrelevant. Howard doesn't elbow someone EVERY single possession, and the couple times he does, there's no evidence to say it was intentional. Here is a crazy idea, but Howard tends to be the most active player near the hoop where most contact tends to occur. Factor in his relative size and it may not be that he's just a horrible guy.
Whereas everyone here seems to take it as fact that SMG2 is great and if you think otherwise you are factually incorrect.clicketyclickWhich is ironic, because you're defending someone that's guilty of the same exact thing.
His reaction to fellow reviewers isn't much different from that of the people in this forum towards him. He proceeded to make a couple minor complaints (pointing at the screen...?), blowing them up to be the biggest gripes ever, yet gave the game a great score. To say it was poorly written, in my opinion, would be a vast understatement.But what is it with all the adult reviewers in America giving this game their best ratings of the year? With all due respect to other reviewers, this is kids' stuff. Are you really enjoying this game so much? Really? Really?
[QUOTE="racing1750"]lol, red steel only sold 500 copies :Pogvampire
and thats funny because....?
Because you have games selling in the tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands... And this one sold a few hundred. It's a large contrast, which makes it a little humorous. (Granted, a lot less now that someone has explained it.)
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