Buying COD games is not worth the price. You have lots of DLCs to stay in touch with the rest of the community, and then, at the end of the year, another one comes out and you're left hopeless, unless you decide to fall on the same vicious cycle again.
I'm entertained with other FPS' now, so I'm still going to pass COD this year too, like always (:
@AshTrai 3 years? High-end PCs are more powerful already, and the 'next-gen' consoles hasn't even been released yet. You know, I'm really looking foward for what Sony have to show for us, but, speaking of hardware, I'm a little disappointed :/
The last one from Suda51 that I've played was Shadows of the Damned, and I hated it, boring as hell. Considering the fair review and the gameplay videos, I don't think that Killer is Dead will be any different for me... :/
FaeLKuN's comments