@arqe @Scorpion1813 A 2013 fighter with 8 characters (6 at launch) is a 'game with full content' for you? Yeah, I'm stickin' with Street Fighter II: The World Warrior, waaay better. At least it had 8 characters already at launch.
@arqe @TheLeftHandDoom But you need to play with a character to know if you like to play with him or not .-. And even though, you can always learn how to expand your playstyle testing other characters. Well, it is going to be hard to do that kind of thing in the new KI ._.
@Geardudu A fighting game with only 8 characters (just 6 at launch), and you think that $39,99 is a reasonable price? Street Fighter have over 40 and people still complain about it.
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