@Wild_Card That part of my post was directed towards the 360/PS3 trolls (and yes, there are Wii trolls as well) that go to a Nintendo article and talk about how they don't even play their Wii's anymore because they bought a PS3 or 360 for "real" games.
This was a huge waste of money if this rumor is true, even if the resources are redirected to the next FF game.FFXV would have to be launched on all three available consoles, as well as PC, to make back that much, if it were even possible. BTW, my theory is based on SE having a team working on this game full time in the past few years.
All I can say is that it had better not be one of those times where Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo (yeah right....) showed them their next system and they decided to switch platforms. Combine this with the failure that was FFIV, and they could lose fans for life.
Say what you want, but they proved with the Wii that they can compete with better graphics if you market the right games to the right people.
Hey, all of you people that like to "brag" that their Wii has been a door stop for years, guess what? You still have a system, that means either you or someone else bought it. Nintendo got their money, and they're happy. You, on the other hand, are out either $200 or a better gift.
@Ziberg Personally, I'm expecting the Wii U to be the GC 2 in terms of sales; Decent, but nothing to brag about too much when the time comes to unveil the next system. I expect the games to better in comparison, because this time Nintendo is using media with a size developers can do something with. Other than that, success depends on how fast they can put AAA Mario, Metroid, Zelda, and RPG's into gamers hands. (Well, if worse comes to worse, the RPG section can be filled with the last good ones from the Wii)
Meh, i see what you mean, but we're talking about EA and Nintendo here. If the game actually does well considering how late it's coming out, EA will find a way to sell ME2 to us.
FallenOneX's comments