A lot of peopel are griping about the amount of PS3 titles VS. everyone else. Even the PSP has moer titles on this list than the DS. Why??? Remember when at the beginning of the article they said that these are the games the editors want to see. And for good reason, since the PS3 and the PSP have more to prove. Sony has to show that $600 is worth spending to play videogames. (Yes, there is a $500 PS3 coming out, but it's really not worth the money. Considering the differences between the 2 versions of the 360, Sony fanboys won't admit that they got screwed big time.) I don't care about a frickin' Blur-Ray player. PS3 stand for PLAYSTATION 3, not home entertainment media center. If you O On a personal note; I think the real reason the Blu-Ray/HD-DVD collaboration didn't work out was because Sony would've had to delay the PS3 yet again, and they couldn't afford to do that when it came to the console race. It was a smart business decision. (That, and they don't have the balls to remember Beta vs VHS.) BTW, sorry about the Dell comment. Even though Dell will cash the check, MS will still make a profit off the OS. Just Buy a 360. I'm getting mine after the Wii.
Is it just me, or was there a version of Chess on the 3.0 version of Windows??? Simple, black and white with a timer....... Either way, since I have excellent versions of Mahjong and Battle Chess/Chessmaster the extra priceisn't worth it. I know the premium version will feature more than just games, but it's just Windows.
sainraja First of all, not try to start a war, but you seem to be the one of the few people coeherently trying to argue their point. I totally agree about some systems having faulty units, but when it comes to comparing Sony to other companies, you have to add in other factors. The main one being that most of thier products period have a multitude of problems. Either they just plain suck in the first batches (IE Walkman, first portable cd players, Viao. And I don't even need to bring up the game systems to prove this.), or Sony had a great idea with bad implementation. (IE Beta, Minidisc, UMD.) Microsoft is the same way, only their flack comes from Bill Gates and Windows. No need to elaborate on that. Why no big noise about the Wii having probable launch problems? Because in the US most people only know them for consoles and games. Yeah, they make other products and have had their failures, but did you really have high hopes for R.O.B. and the VirtualBoy?? That, and the Wii isn't trying out some new chip, a new form of media storage, a new(shouldn't say new, how about funtional)online service, and a new form of copyright protection (on the movie side) all in the same box. BTW, "Do you think it would make sense for Sony to disable movie playback when the drive can do both? That is non-sense." Worked well for the Xbox first time around. On launch day the Wally I worked at sold more remotes than extra controllers and memory cards. Why do I remember this? Because I couldn't/can't conceive of buying a console to watch movies on. I have 3 computers and 4 DVD players in my house that can do that. And "people with a lot of bills aren't thinking about this system" ? I still work in retail. Those are the people running to gamestop every other day to see if the waiting list for the PS3 is up, and paying it off a paycheck at a time. They're at home right now, reading this and trying to figure out how many days late they'll be on rent if they have to use that check in Nov to finish paying off their PS3. They are the ones that buy a new system, no game, and go home and play GOW2 or FFXII.
In the end, I really want to see how this pans out. This next generation Sony has the most powerful system. (4 all those out of the loop, the ps2 was the least powerful on paper this generation. There are some people out there that still don't believe this, but get over it.)I personally can't bring myself to spend almost $1K in Nov., but i know others will. ($1k = I always buy 2 extra controllers and 2 games at least on launch days.) With FFXII and GOW2 being released within the same 2 month span, I wouldn't be surprised that if the top selling games on the PS3 launch date were actually PS2 games. Buying a 360 and a Wii for the same price seems like a better idea more and more each day. My thing is, how is Sony going to ensure more than a 5 year shelf life out of this thing? As soon as the price of producing the cell chip goes down enough to where they can fit 8 of them in a cell phone for $150 (just an exaggeration, abad one but you know what I mean) they'll announce that they're working on their nextgen system.
This looks like a pretty good feature. But I stopped reading posts after page 2, so if I say something somebody else wrote, forgive me. Hey guys(or girls), not everyone is a gaming GOD like you. They probably picked bosses they receive 20 million emails a day about. Personally, I also want to see him beat GOW on God mode. I've only seen 1 person do it, and that was a clip on youtube.com
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