To be honest and fair, (two words I normally don't use towards Sony) most of these games were worked on for the 360 first, or at least the version before this one. the teams have had more time with the 360's..... wait a minute, didn't we use that excuse last year, and the year before that.... OK, maybe it's because the screen shots are at 720p, and not the 1080p that the PS3 and, wait 360 can do that too. Looks like we need to stop crying about Nintendo's quality control and see if Sony can get theirs on Par with MS. Some difference were subtle, but R6 just looked worse. Then again, how many of us are going to have both systems at home, side by side, connected to 2 HD tvs? If so, then you don't care about this comparison at all, you can afford to buy both.
The SNES version was great, But I'll have to go with the N64 version. The control improvements alone made me import this game back in the day. The first time you play one of Bowsers Castle's on the 64 was breathtaking.
Wow, a lot of hostility towards anyone who doesn't think Halo3 is the best game in the world. The first was fun, never played the second, and I'll probably pick up 3 (and 1/2) since I have a 360. Here's to hoping they still have it at blockbuster tomorrow for rent........
After reading all of the Editor's comments, it seems like the ones that enjoyed it the most got to see the most games. As a gamer unable to attend, I didn't see much that I couldn't see in a magazine or another website. In previous years I would switch between IGN and Gamespot, this time there didn't seem to be much of a difference in coverage. I also agree with some of the readers here: the gaming media gets to see these games all year in one form or another, there should be some sort of public event.
Impressive clean up, but still not enough to make me upgrade. $35 for the original, or almost $300 (and that's if you only need the game and Vista). Honestly, have PC gamers actually been waiting for this? Most (pc gamers) say that PC based shooters are superior to console shooters. I guess MS had to push Vista, and making H2 Vista exclusive might do that.
I'm 29 and buying both, one for me and one for my wife. It's a great game. Hate it as much as you want, but sometimes fun is worth more than blood, gore, and shooting things.
I love watching people ignorant people make fools of themselves. Raw system power means nothing if a developer doesn't have or take the time to use it. So if you're going to bash the Wii/PS3/360, at least do it on an article that mentions either of those systems.
Sony's recent negative press would seem criminal if they hadn't brought it upon themselves. The price will be the most debated thing about this launch, so I'll just say this; One decent exclusive game does not compel me to spend over $500 (either model plus game) for a new system. Now a game like Halo, Mario, Zelda, or FF could make peopel pay just about anything, but Sony didn't give us that. They gave us an new IP that on first glance reminds you of "that game" on "that other" system. GOW was the 360's best seller to date. Moving on, they pushed 1080p without including an HDMI cable. That we could have lived with that, if they hadn't given in to demand and included an HDMI port on the lower end model. That tells me that they knew there was a demand for full support right out of the box. While Sony never claimed complete BC with the PS3, reducing it in the market you've delayed the most is just plain stupid. I knew something was amiss when they announced Casino Royale for the European launch. And with more prelaunch exclusives going the way of the 360, things are only looking worse in the short term. Many of those exclusives were also new IP's. Another DMC or GOD type of exclusive on the PS3 might have cleaned all of theose PS3's off the shelf before the end of 2006. These blunders are in no way a permanent blow to Sony's overall popularity, but it will surely put them in an awkward position in years to come. No matter how long it takes for the next iteration of the PS console, we'll all be thinking back to the PS3 launch of 2006/07.
I said something about the pricing of VC games earlier, and I might have overreacted. While $10 is a bit steep for an N64 game, it is doable. $5 for an NES game is not. I still have my NES,SNES, and N64 in a box. Once a month I pull one out and play the hell out of it for an extended weekend. The Wii was going to let me have legal backups to some of my favorite games. But not at those prices. Do consone companies do crap like this on purpose just so that the emulator crowd can have something to do?
The editors do have a point, but you really can't compare the 360's problems with having two versions with Sony's. All MS had to was print more boxes of the one they want to sell more of, and add or remove peripherals as needed. The difference in Sony's two systems are internal. At my store wegot 50 360's on launch. 25 basic, 25 premium. I'm going to guess at maybe 30 PS3's split the same way. This Christmas is going to Nintendo or MS; point blank. The real race for Sony will begin in 2007, and they're gonna hit the ground running.
FallenOneX's comments