"Pachter points out that Netflix also competes against school, work, and defecating."
Finally, actual proof Pachter doesn't know what in the hell he is talking about. Everyone knows that you can poop and do both of those activities at the same time
It's not game changing or revolutionary, but I'm enjoying the weekly Spirit events. Gives me something to do when I'm not grinding through the game to get all the characters.
@Thanatos2k: What are you talking about? I STILL have some of those mini notebooks lying around, and took some screenshots of the passwords on my Switch for kicks and giggles.
I can see how this will actually annoy some (others posting just want to rant), but I don't have a problem with it. If I have my Switch and am without any way to access the internet for over 7 days, I'm in trouble anyways.
FallenOneX's comments