@swedishfriend what different goals? They pay for exclusives to bring customers over to their brand. What does MS being the developer have to do with anything? I never said anything about Respawn's intentions, I was talking strictly about MS paying for the exclusive. You brought Respawn.
So.... MS paid that much money for a game NOT to be their next big thing? At least be honest: If this game had actually sold 10 million on the 360 AND the XB1 alone, the next game in the series would not be on multiple consoles. Notice how they won't even break it down and say what system sold more, or if they're counting free copies.
I'm not saying the game is bad, I'm just saying they're fudging with the info they release for a reason.
@Cl0ud: "Writing on Twitter, Respawn boss Vince Zampella announced the figure, though he didn't say if it represents copies sold or total number of players."
"Whatever the case, it's a big number and it now seems only like a matter of time before Respawn officially announces Titanfall 2."
Call me a pessimist, but I think it does matter what the "case" is. Remember when HD-DVD was competing with Blu-Ray? One of the Spider-Man films and Skyfall were the "top selling BR's" for months. No one mentioned whether or not they were counting the free copies being given away with the PS3.
Months ago, a few of us got into a discussion about the final roster count. To the person who said the final roster would be akin to the Killer Instinct reboot: TOLD YOU THEY WOULDN'T RELEASE A GAME WITH 6 CHARACTERS.
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