I've never spent money on a F2P game and I never intend to. I have, however, spent some money on DLC for episodic content or levels, but never for additional characters, outfits, skins, etc. This whole shift toward F2P games concerns me. I would rather pay for a complete game than something that is intentionally shipped or made available without all of the content intended for the game to be considered complete.
Bottom line is no one is buying their PS4 for voice commands. They also have the option to have the camera or not have it and a more affordable hardware setup, not to mention the exclusives. All the big cross platform titles will be there, no one will really miss out on Titanfall and if they did, there is always PC. The mindless banter of certain users, like Scrotin1, has exhausted my patience. I play games on certain systems because I like them, I only have a limited amount of money and I feel absolutely NO obligation to be on one side or the other. Don't like it and want to post ridiculous responses? Eat me!
FarginIcehole's comments