Your right.Comparing the bible to star wars is ridiculous.Star wars makes more sense.
I dont know who made that little picture, but they seriously need to brush up on their scientific knowledge because atheists never claim that everything came from nothing.But im not going to waste my time explaining the science because you could care less.As long as you think that your being watched and think your special you couldnt really give a ****.
Do yourself a favor.Go to the bookstore, head on over to the science section and read up on everything.And i mean really read it, so you can get an idea of what scientific theory, method and discovery is all about.
Believe it or not, I actaully am very interested in Science. I actually own a few books and here is my theory as last night I could have worded it better. I believe in Theistic Evolution. Science is actually the realest thing out there when discussing nature and elements, BUT when they started making claims THAT THEY HAVE LITTLE TO NO ACTUAL EVIDENCE such as the bigbang, you tell me which one is more science fiction.
I am intrigued by Science because it explains a lot and without scientists and researchers, we wouldn't have near the amount of luxury or freedom, but when they start to make bogus claims, then it becomes a battle between believers(who believe that God created the Universe, but has no factual evidence to support it) and non-believers(who believe this universe came by chance and everything magically appeared, but also has no factual evidence to back this up).
Science and Religion can peacefully co-exist.It actually makes perfect sense, and they do tend to fit together like a jigsaw puzzle. Religion explains how the Universe was made, while Science explains how it evolved. Also, is there any proof that there ISN'T a God. The ONLY reason you do not believe in a God is because you physically can't see him or understand some of what he does, and honestly, I would rather believe in God and find out he doesn't exist, than the other way around. God helps me coupe with life and he helps me through difficult times. One of the main reasons why I am still living on this cold and cruel planet is because I know God placed me here for a reason, I do not know what, but if I did, it would spoil the surprise :P.
That girl in the article died because God let here die. She did what she needed to do in this life, and now she has moved on.
I have a proposal. Why don't YOU give Religion a try, such as reading the bible, saying a prayer or two, and maybe even go to mass once. I have already gave science a try, maybe you should do the same for Religion.
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