Looks a bit more like COD in terms of how fast it seems ? seems to also take fewer bullets to kill and the way the whole thing is animated makes it seem more like COD than BF1. Is it just me? Just seems a bit twitchy and frantic
@esqueejy: I don’t doubt that the game does the MMO thing better than anyone, what I fear though is that there probably aren’t that many new people and everybody has like at least 5-6 alt characters and therefore it will be populated by folks who play very “competitively” and very mechanically. I remember some epic moments from when we were all fairly new and the struggles of doing dungeons and the rush of getting a max lvl friend or stranger coming to your aid when you were getting ganked In a neutral zone ! I just think the community of wow is past that? More than happy to be proven wrong though! Let me know your thoughts on that...
I would get back into WOW if I had a gang of mates. I remember I would also meet people in game and folks seemed more willing to help a guy out and lend a hand. Last time I played was in cataclysm and people seemed to mind their own business and levelling was also dumbed down! Very fond memories of my time in burning crusade but I doubt I could ever live them again should I rejoin now...
Probably I'm a minority here but the comedy on offer based on the trailer here seems rather plain. Not that I'm expecting sophisticated laughs from a Deadpool movie but it just seems a lot of cheap laughs coming from the variation of the word **** going around. The trailer for the deadpool video game was proper belly laughs! go back and check that out!
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