I've come to realize that people will always complain about review scores. Is this really what gaming is about? Complaining about a game that got a high review score even though it is considered to be unoriginal? I this Killzone 2, Bioshock and Twilight Princess all over again?
Did you seriously not read the op? ITS NOT ABOUT SCORE, ITS ABOUT REASON
I did along with the other similar posts that people have posted since the review came out. This is about the score because fans of certain games will always complai about the lowest review score. You could say that it's because of the inconsistecy of the review site but at the end of the day, people will always attack the lowset score even though that score is still a great score.
An exaple would be MGSIV and Eurogamer, Twilight Princess and Gamespot, Bioshock and Gamespot, Killzone 2 and X-Play,etc. The only people that should complaing about Gt are PC gamers and even they don't complai as much as other fanboy factions do.
Its not about score Its about REASON. Why should Gears2 Get a Higher Score than U2 if they both didnt have any "originality"? Everything should be reviewed on a fair playing field
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