[QUOTE="Faulttt"][QUOTE="shawn7324"]lol, i actually think its kinda funny. I dont actually care, i just think its kinda stupid that cows are being insulted by people who do not understand what they are complaining about You can only be insulted if you care. i dont have a PS3, so doesnt that make me exempt from being insulted?Either way it is idiotic to be complaining. Who cares what it scores or the reasons reveiwers give for the score??? I sure the hell don't, I'll be enjoying the hell out of the game regardless. So Get Over It & Move Out!!!
Faulttt's forum posts
I just wanted everybody to know WHY cows were complaining, and not that they were complaining about a "low" score. (its a high score)[QUOTE="Faulttt"][QUOTE="salxis"] Well the first one was locked, I thought it would've clued some people :?Seabas989
I've come to realize that people will always complain about review scores. Is this really what gaming is about? Complaining about a game that got a high review score even though it is considered to be unoriginal? I this Killzone 2, Bioshock and Twilight Princess all over again?
Did you seriously not read the op? ITS NOT ABOUT SCORE, ITS ABOUT REASONalso, notice the quotation marks
last i checked, gears 2 and halo 3 added a bunch of stuff to the games, while uncharted 2 is the same as the first but with mpmtradr43BUT, as i recall, Gears Of War 2 Multiplayer Out of the box was a piece of crap. but it still got AAA.......... (im not trying to start an argument). And the Campaign wasnt all that great, the end boss was horrible. i do love playing Gears2 BTW.
They are NOT complaining about getting a 9.3 on gametrailers.
Cows are complaining about the idiotic reasons in which the reviewer docked points on uncharted 2.
Originally Posted By GiantMuffin
Everyone who thinks cows are complaining because of the 9.3 doesn't get it.
It's not the 9.3 It's that the reviewer lowered points because U2 wasn't original. However Halo 3 wasn't docked any points for not being original. Same goes for Gears 2.
If Modern Warfare 2 doesn't get docked any points then that's another one. People are mad because there's these double standards for PS3 games that don't seem to be applied to 360 games.
It doesn't help that GT has already been caught botching their video comparisons with actual proof/facts. "
I know there is another thread on this
i just hope this clears up the situation
Did we reallty need another thread on this?
Well the first one was locked, I thought it would've clued some people :? I just wanted everybody to know WHY cows were complaining, and not that they were complaining about a "low" score. (its a high score)lol, i actually think its kinda funny. I dont actually care, i just think its kinda stupid that cows are being insulted by people who do not understand what they are complaining aboutEither way it is idiotic to be complaining. Who cares what it scores or the reasons reveiwers give for the score??? I sure the hell don't, I'll be enjoying the hell out of the game regardless. So Get Over It & Move Out!!!
They are NOT complaining about getting a 9.3 on gametrailers.
Cows are complaining about the idiotic reasons in which the reviewer docked points on uncharted 2.
Originally Posted By GiantMuffin
Everyone who thinks cows are complaining because of the 9.3 doesn't get it.
It's not the 9.3 It's that the reviewer lowered points because U2 wasn't original. However Halo 3 wasn't docked any points for not being original. Same goes for Gears 2.
If Modern Warfare 2 doesn't get docked any points then that's another one. People are mad because there's these double standards for PS3 games that don't seem to be applied to 360 games.
It doesn't help that GT has already been caught botching their video comparisons with actual proof/facts. "
I know there is another thread on this
i just hope this clears up the situation
THIS IS HELARIOUS. The tc is exposing all of the blind fanboys. its waay to fricken helarious. i just hope he keeps making these kinda threadsHow is it possible that SO MANY people fell for EVERY of the TC's recent flamebait threads??? It really boggles the mind :S
Seriously people read his blog!
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