Faulttt's forum posts
low level account - check
low post account - check
opinion based rant - check
Flambait - confirmed
Argue about his post instead of his account. and i think we have the person who made the new account lol[QUOTE="subrosian"]*facepalm* I swear to god... CaseyWegner is WRONG. It's HIS PERSONAL OPINION that discussions should be reduced to idiotic metrics. - Don't let this forum be controlled by him - he's not god, and he was PROVEN WRONG in the Anarchy Vote. We voted that he couldn't do this crap anymore. Unfortunately, now that CakeOrrDeath is gone, we're subject to this nonsense. OUR RULES specifically state that CaseyWegner can't do this crap.IronBassWhen I subscribed GS, I accepted the CNET's ToU (now CBS's). And I don't remember seeing anything like "moderator CaseyWagner is the one that decide SW rules). So I'm not particulary affected by his opinion on the matter. Maybe Someone can contact CBS/GS and file a complaint, we need to get him out of moderator postion
There is going to be one obvious winner of E3, and i cannot wait to find out who it is (hopefully Sony :) lol ) Us cows arent shameful, if we lose an E3, we will Openly admit it, i cant say that about the lems, but us cows are honorable[QUOTE="Faulttt"][QUOTE="Episode_Eve"] Of course there will be that discussion throughout the industry and community. It always is.
The real winners are the gamers/consumers.
Please :roll: No one wins E3. Its all opinion based and cows are hardly honourable. I understand subrosians point even if I'm not necessarily in agreement with how its being portrayed.
lol u know i was playing :D at least i am honorable But in all serious, there will be a winner of E3 Its like saying that it is impossible for one TV show to be better than the otherCALL OF DUTY IS NOT OVER!!! "Modern Warfare 2 is just the beginning of Activision's expansion of the Call of Duty franchise."
"Looking ahead, Griffith said there's a full pipeline of future Call of Duty titles with significant innovation, and it will definitely expand into other genres"
I don't have a faction. I have never been a fan of any company, and anyone who suggests otherwise should be aware that I consider such an accusation to be trolling. - My concern, as it has been since 2006, is the belief by some members of this forum that creating arbitrary rules will improve the quality of discussion. That is not the case, the "win conditions" and rules exist as a means of letting fanboys create a "win" while removing any room for intelligence, logic, or discussion. They exist only to make the moderator's jobs easier, since they can now moderate anyone who thinks for themselves. - Don't let this forum be reduced to fanboy review-score / sales thread tallying. Fight against stupidity in all of its many forms. Under no circumstance will we go into E3 with a sticky that even the TC acknowledges is based on foolish "system wars think". - And please, do not insult my integrity - my reasons for such opposition are the same ones I hold for opposing the use of ANY review score, sales number, or game budget to be any indication of quality or success. Our personal enjoyment of gaming is all that matters, and anything, be it in this forum or in the real world, that constrains that, is evil. I apologize, i understand what you are saying. I will make a thread about E3 the day of the sony conference. And TC, take the "Keep It Here" off the thread title, i think it would make everything better.[QUOTE="Faulttt"] Lol, the only reason you are trying to prevent a winner is because you are afraid that your faction is going to lose (cow, lem, hermit, sheep) There will be a winner of E3, no matter if you like it or not
Lol, the only reason you are trying to prevent a winner is because you are afraid that your faction is going to lose (cow, lem, hermit, sheep) There will be a winner of E3, no matter if you like it or not Of course there will be that discussion throughout the industry and community. It always is.[QUOTE="Faulttt"]
[QUOTE="subrosian"] The rules of System Was explicitly state that there are no official rules for determining a win. It's not trivial if people are going to get moderated for posting their opinions outside of this nonsense thread.Episode_Eve
The real winners are the gamers/consumers.
There is going to be one obvious winner of E3, and i cannot wait to find out who it is (hopefully Sony :) lol ) Us cows arent shameful, if we lose an E3, we will Openly admit it, i cant say that about the lems, but us cows are honorableAActivision Conference is Sucking BIG TIME right now
[QUOTE="TREAL_Since"] The only reason this kind of thing is stickied is because of the departure of CakeOrrDeath. Unfortunately we have a small group of moderators who idiotically believe that System Wars can be a better forum if everything is "contained" and over-regulated. [QUOTE="TREAL_Since"] Logic! It exists! My God, I was beginning to lose hope. (why haven't I already is the real question here). The fact that TREAL even acknowledges your statement then goes on to justify his reasoning is hilarious.subrosianWTF are you talking about? Justifying my reasoning? It's the dam rules for the thread to be contained :lol:. My reasons for believing a simple vote is lame? My reasons for agreeing with him? I don't know why you are coming off as being negative or attempting to make an issue out of something that isn't. Such a trivial thing to begin with.
A man can understand another mans POV and still do another thing. I'm going by the rules of SW while still feeling they are at times not necessary or, for the lack of a better word, dumb.
The rules of System Was explicitly state that there are no official rules for determining a win. It's not trivial if people are going to get moderated for posting their opinions outside of this nonsense thread. Lol, the only reason you are trying to prevent a winner is because you are afraid that your faction is going to lose (cow, lem, hermit, sheep) There will be a winner of E3, no matter if you like it or not
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