Faulttt's forum posts
Guitar Hero Has gotta die soon, but then comes Banjo Hero!Activision are really trying to run Guitar Hero into the ground. People are going to get sick of this, quick.
not that exiting......Alan Wake - Multiplat
Forza 3
Mass Effect 2 - Multiplat
Gay Tony-expansion
Lost Planet 2-possible multiplat
Halo ODST - expansion
Splinter Cell Conviction
New lionhead game
Motion camera- Are you serious?
All confirmed so far... More to come.. Sony has a good one, so does Nintendo, but I think i'll stick with MS unless someone does something really amazing..
http://e3.gamespot.com/story/6210427/activision-blizzard-e3-2009-webcast-liveblog-may-31-5-pm ULTIMATEZWARRIO
god made links for a reason
If anything the PS3 needs this E3 more then any E3 ever. This is the Alamo for the PS3...the last stand
The 360 has the highest game attach rate
The 360 has a higher game ranking the the PS3
The 360 has better software sales then the PS3
True the 360 released earlier but it also has made the gap larger since the PS3 release
The 360 has better selling games then the PS3
E3 is in America. So lets see how America has done for Sony
Seems all 3 Sony systems are selling less....Oh No!
Lets look at the 360 shall we
As you can see besides for last month the 360 sales are growing...Oh No ...this stinks for Sony
Here is the Gamespot scores
The PS3 has 1 more exclusive AAAA
The 360 has 1 exclusive AAA
The 360 has ----30----more AA games
So again the 360 has the better game library
The 360 is showing Forza 3 at this E3 probably. Forza is a AAA series unlike GT which is a AA series. Also showing Halo : Odst and we all know Halo crushes in score and sales. Plus games like Alan wake, New Rare, peter Molyegue, new Zune that lays all xbl games and so on.
How bout a universal chart?
Who do you think is going to "Win" E3?
It is possible to "win" E3, "winning" is basically having the best conference, like how one TV Show is better than the other.
I have a suspicion that Metal Gear Online will go to Xbox 360, and that Metal Gear Online will be able to be purchased on PSN (going to be announced at E3)
I dont know why everyone is arguing between gears of war, crysis, MGS4, Killzone2, when it is obvious that C&C is GRAPHICS KING
all games try to imitate real life graphics, but C&C actually reaches it!
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