Fenrir-VII's forum posts
sum of the exclusives
sum of the exclusives
sum of the exclusives
sum of the exclusives
sum of the exclusives...
I dont know how many times i need to say that but yeah, You had the perfect reason right there. I have a 360, ive had fun with doom 3, advanced warfighter, prey, cod2, oblivion, quake 4, R6V, and gears of war. Yes, But the thing is, Doom quakeand prey were only fun for a fewdays and i never touchedthem again. Advanced Warfighter was the only military game online ive been able to play (with good reasons) until R6V, (Sorry COD2 just was so repetative and laggy at times (stupid players kept droping) -another game i havent touched since i got warfighter) and oblivion is good but much shorter compared to morrowind so thats another one gone and not touched since. and yanno.. thats left me with Gears.. Gears Gears Gears thats mostly it.. And I dont play Gears becuase its online... Is not what sold the game lets just leave it at that. These games.. and R6V, oblivion, and warfighter are all non exclusive games.. Halo is the only online i really use it for a ton. But thats the old xbox title? Leaves me just wondering why i have a 360- Halo 3 and a few of these other games coming out.. But yeah theres that word that Everyone freakin uses- Especially on youtube when Fanboying the 360. I keep asking what others? And the list is generally small and dry of action and details.. kinda makes me wonder if they'll kick me in the back one day and actually start hyping games up again like 3 years ago for the xbox. Miss those days.
What im coming to say is, When i look ahead over the next year. I Blatantly am not fantasizing about "other" games that arent even given the dignity of voice. Im looking forward to lair, warhawk, home, heavenley sword, killzone, metal gear solid 4, 8 days, stranglhold, final fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy versus XIII, God of War III, Gran Turismo 5, Jak and daxters, lbp, RFOM II possibly?), More SOcoms, Uncharted Drakes Fortune, and time crisis 4 if not more. And probably the More becuase theres un named titles/ probably hidden titles by Sony still. (and all those other nonexclusive blastedtitlesthat are both for the PS3 and 360 that i dont feel like listing)
Im not counting out anything for my 360 though. Microsoft probably has alot of games in hidden just ready to be revealed, but I still doubt that many like this, Let alone its not a good thing when you leach off titles from the competition (kinda makes it look liketheres a needfor games) But A year ago? What did it look like for the 360? Warfighter? R6V? Gears of War? Doom? Quake wasnt reallyeven hyped till the last second even.. There was just a Very Very small list of games to really look forward to owning the 360, and it wasnt fun at all waiting for Gears with nothing else to look immediatelyforward to(still waiting for Halo after now owningR6V, thats about it for now till mass effect and bioshock.. whenever) I didnt care though and i still dont, As long i have Halo 2, and will have Halo 3. But even more so, what could you look forward too when the 360 launched? There was a list of over 100 ps3 titles already listed on the PS3 launch, and many still on track, with pretty much all the big weighted titles still being pushed. I just cant give that kind of "sum of the exclusives " list in any more dramatic way for any other console. Thats why i think the PS3 really benefits the Gamerabove, beyond, On top ofthe spiffy features.
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