Excuse me but what? Since when the hell has minecraft and Rez not been considered "real" games. And even if you did want to write off any rhythm or puzzle based game (which is stupid, but you do you) your argument still doesn't hold any weight. And for that matter neither does your complaint about the separate VR versions of the already released games. That you have to buy them again if you have them already doesn't invalidate that they're full "proper" games. What's more complaining about buying them completely ignores the work that has to go into a vr conversion.
Ultimately you just sound like a have-not wanting to shit on something you can't afford. Whether that's true or not I don't know since I'm not you, but it certainly sounds that way.
I can't help but feel sorry for everyone in the comments writing off VR. I mean sure I understand it's hella expensive right now, but after having my Index for a while I'm beyond ecstatic for what can be done with it. So Half Life VR stuff? Hell yeah I'm down for that!
@just1mohr: At first I could only go for maybe an hour, but I've gotten to the point where I can play games like Pavlov until I get physically tired. The nauseated thing just straight up doesn't happen for me any more.
I loved FF8. To this day aside from Heavensward and Shadowbringers it remains my favorite FF game. Sure you could break the game pretty easily with the item conversion and junction system to make it a complete cakewalk, but it was fun having that kind of flexibility and power.
Maybe I just have shit taste, or maybe this game is only So Bad It's Good for some people. But I love the hell out of it, and am happy to finally have a proper western release. If it doesn't click for Mr. Brown here, well then that's unfortunate for him. But I urg anyone interested to at least give the game a shot. Much like EDF, you'll love it, or hate it. But you won't know until you try.
Also this little line, "and because there aren't many nations or cultures that are fit to be mocked with such gusto" in its presentation is pretty much ultra tacky as it doesn't just insult presumably simply the current shite administration, but every American as a whole. After all this American culture you seem keen on indiscriminately shotgunning is the same one that's been fighting for equality for decades, even at the expense of beating on its other half. But then again maybe like most pundits the notion that America is more than just far right stereotypes is beyond you.
Fernin-Ker's comments