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FireLordZuko93 Blog

One Year Anniversary!

Can you beleives it?? Ive acctually had a account for a year as of wow..

Looking back, alot has happened in a year..but i can still remember a good majority of it.. i even remember some of the members who were my first friends on here but dont come back much anymore :/ plus all the activity that was around just before and right after the its dwindled down to a pitful number of posts per day now...even on the refuge its slowing down a bit..but hopfully will pick up again over the summer ^^ weirdly enough the refuge was also created today..lolz i didnt join there until like augest and i kept saying that i wasnt going to leave here :lol: and while i never did of course i havent been as active lolz..thought now ive joined the now i have a good escuse to write again along with being more active on the boards :P

so yeah...not alots been going on latly otherwise the past month..bit of drama excally a month ago and some drama last week..but other then that *shrug* schools been killing me on the borderline of passing biology going into the final on monday..yeah...been studing up until 5..or whenever i just pass yeah lots of fun there..

I CANT WAIT FOR SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P

bit of an update/ FMA!!

Apparetenly, ive gotten into the habit of not blogging for 2 or more months.... :/

i really havent been on much at all...schools been killing im still on the refuge 24/7 :lol:

so going to try to come on a bit more...partly cause the new FMA has started :D

from the time ive last blogged ive started to watch FMA...i seriously saw the whole series in one week! it was soooooo awesome! then of course i had to read the manga...that took a while longer since i could only get in on one computer that i rarely get to took about a month... so yeah...

now the new series has started!! yayz!! i thought it was pretty good...the new animation is pretty different though..and i dont remember the "ice alchemist" in the manga...and the ending animation was..weird..but other than that it was epic! the opening theme song is stuck in my head at the moment.... :lol:

so yeah...thats pretty much all whats new with me :lol: :P

o..and changed thier layout again.... :/ i dont know what yall think of it..but it wish theyd just go back to the orginal one... :/


I havent bloged in 2 months.... *facepalm*

I blame the refuge :P Ive spent sooo much time there its insane :| plus i have a blog yeah...i let this one slide...

now im trying to think of what i did 2 months ago... :P life can be really boring sometimes... :P

Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years are the only eventful things worth mention i guess....

Well, at thanksgiving something that made it special was that i got to see my 5 year old cousin :D he lives in DC and because hes parents are devorced...we dont get to see him that often :( Twice a year if we're lucky....

So yeah, at Christmas..we only saw my grandparents...which is fine by me :P I GOT A CELLPHONE!!! woot!! :P ive been asking for my own for over a year now cause i always have to borrow my moms...and she finally decited to get me one :P

And at New was boring :P The only thing exciting about it was that i was "partying" and flirting with my bf *coughheavennathiouscough* on the refuge :P My parents went to bed early so it was just me and my sis watching the tv :P when it was midnight we looked at each other...said "happy new year..." then went to bed :P

then other than that ive been on the refuge and doing schoolwork :P

Unfortunally though....last week my mom caught me chatting on the refuge...even though ive been careful since she caught me the first time... (see previous blog...) so basically...i pretty much got banned from the computer... Ive tried talking to her and everything....but she still thinks that people can track me down even if they dont know my name or city.... She decited that the best way to keep me from talking online is to monitor my time on the computer.... :/ So like everytime i get online she has to be there and everything... :roll: So like....i pretty much had to leave the refuge... :/ i still get online when shes out of the house or im sure shes not around... (like now) :P I can get on here pretty i do...but i never really have got on the refuge since she banned me... I go and read some of the posts since i left...but i never have enough time to like talk or anything.... :/

so yeah....lifes been a real bummer for me lately... it seems my life revolves around school....

and i found out a few days ago that my mom expects me to send out college aplications out this summer.... IM A SOPHOMORE! :roll: i didnt want to worry about that for another year....

so idk...i feel like my moms pushing me quite a bit... but that could just be me.....

so yeah....lifes still boring.... *shrugs*

Bad News

I'm going to be on a lot less. I hate it...but its not my fault. No, its not my grades...its my mom. A few days ago, my mom suddenly went bazirk and delcared that i could no longer talk to anyone online. She was scared that i was giving out too much personal info...which is crap. Does anyone here know my name? state? city? school? no. Because i would never give it out. Shes just parinoid apparently...and thinks that if i give out the SMALLEST bit of info that someone will track me down....... Thats rediculous is it not? I don't have a myspace, facebook, or anything else like that. So over the past few days, i've been agrueing for my rights....its only landed me in more trouble. I've been grounded for 2 weeks!! I'm still going to try to get on (being the rebelious teenager i am) but i definally wont be on as much as i used to. And if i get caught on here......well.....i probably wont ever come back. :(

Brain Busters #10

We all know that #9 was way too easy :P but i'll put up the answer anyway

[spoiler] 9 [/spoiler]

This is one of my favs...its just funny :P

How many members of each animal did moses take on the ark?

Brain Busters #9

#8 was tricky but *coughisabelcough* got it right :D [spoiler] 60 minutes. If you think about it for a minute you'll get it :D [/spoiler]

Now for #9, a very easy one :D

A Farmer has 17 sheep standing in a field and all but 9 drop down and die. How many sheep are left standing?

Brain Busters #8

I'm continueing on with the brain busters questions now, cause i have nothing else to blog :P

If you remember the question to the last one the answer is...

[spoiler] 2 [/spoiler]

The question for #8 is...

A Doctor gives you three pills, telling you to take one every half hour. How many minutes would the pills last?

I'm Back!

I got back from vacation yesterday. :D With it being Disney (you would know if you've been there) i'm very tired. What really stinks though is my spanish teacher is giving a test today. The FIRST day back from a week long vacation!! She gave us double homework before we left. So i had to do some of it on break. NO OTHER TEACHER DID THAT!! JUST HER! So yeah.

Also what stinks is this new image. I liked the old one better!! But since there's nothing i can really do about it..i'll just shut up and go with it. It's kinda like Obama "Change, change change!!" Only it's not change for the's change for the worst:P Yeah, i'm a clear Obama hater. (sorry to people who like him) It seems like people are leaving go to the refuge. *coughisabelcough* Yeah, i have an account there..and yeah i've posted there a bit. However i'm not leaving I'll be at both sites as much as i can. :D


Well, i have fall break next week. WOOT!!! I NEED a vacation. We're going to leave tomorrow, and i won't be back til Monday of next week (the 21, i believe) I'm going on vacation to.....[spoiler] Walt Disney World!!!! :D [/spoiler] It may seem kinda weird that i'm going at my age...but w/e..i dont really care. This would be our 6th time yeah..

So, BYE everybody!!! :D

Brain Busters #7

Ok, the math question was pretty easy if you know how to divide factions [spoiler] 70 [/spoiler]

I like this one :P

If there are 3 apples and you take away 2, how many do you have?

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