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FireLordZuko93 Blog

Updated Fan Club

Well, I changed the name of my Club from Zuko Crushers Club to the Fans of Zuko. ;) Basically so boys could join:P Right now i have 9 members


Vice President-TBA

Honor Members

1. EmoHaruno


1. Isabelwhatz

2. gilvatar

3. Heie1314

4. Axrendale

5. Lindz-Chan

6. Zuko-thebeast

7. lordozai890

8. AllieAllie

Right now, the Azula Crushers Club is beating everyone in number of members, but it's only been two days:D

The Zuko Crushers Club

Well, I've finally created my first thread. I've been wanting to create my first thread for a while but i could never come up with a topic.:P It kinda started as a joke. Avataraang113 made the Katara Crushers Club, and Axrendale came on the thread and said that KCC would rivel against her new thread the Azula Crushers Club. I then came on saying, "Does this mean i can made a Zuko Crushers Club??" Libraman_92 then said, "Sure, go ahead...wait was that sarcastic?" I said, "not really, I'd love to make a Zuko Crushers Club but I've never made a thread before." His responce was "Make your first one!!!"

So now i have. It may not last long:P but you never know. Then has to be some Zuko fangirls out there that would like to join. :P:D

The Twilight seires

One of my favorite book series is the Twilight seires. My friend convinced me to read them about a month ago and i got hooked. They soo AWESOME! I'm still debating if they are better than the Harry Potter books which have been my favorite for a long time. Unfortunly, I've only read the first two, Twilight and New Moon. Right now, I'm waiting for the third one, Eclipse, to come out on paperback so i can buy it and read it. At midnight tonight, the forth book, Breaking Dawn, comes out. My friend is going to the realise party but i wish i could join her.:( She said that she would be up all night reading the forth book. I just hope she doesn't give me any spoilers!

the avatar final

Wow. All i can say is wow about the avatar final. It was the best series finaly i've ever seen by far!! It was epic and intence...and the music was just awesome!!!! I started out sitting on the couch but by the time the "Old Masters" was on...I was on the floor!! During the commerical before it even started I started hyperfenalating!! After it got like 15 minutes in, my mouth was open and i was saying OMG during pretty much the rest of the movie!! It also turns out that my only prediction i had about the movie came true, Zuko as Fire Lord!!! I cryed 2 times in the movie....1. when Zuko was apologing to Iroh and 2. When Zuko sacraficed himself to save Katara from Azula's lighting. When he jumped in front of her I pretty much screamed "NOOOOOOOOOOO ZUKOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!" really really lound and started crying alot. (can you tell that Zuko is my favorite character?) After it was over, I stayed up pretty late posting about it and went to bed...but stayed in a "avatar trace" for over 2 hours until i finaly went to sleep:P

My only problem with the movie is that THEY DIDN'T TELL US WHERE ZUKO'S MOM WAS!!!!!!

dang mods

Over the time that I have been here I have noticed that the mods have been getting stricker. It seems to be getting worse as time goes on. People like simsfreak098968 and many other comrades have fallen for no reason. I notice that people who used be posting a lot have moved on to other sites. I wish that they would not suspending people for no reason or there will probably be no one left after a while.....


FINALLY!! Avatar has actually aired on nick! Although I've already seen The Western Air Temple, The Firebending Masters, and The Boiling Rock, I'm still excited that they are airing! It's been like 6 months!!! I still can't wait for the final! I hope it lives up to my expectations!

A bit about me

I just thought I'd start my blog with a few things about me.

I am a girl who just turned 15 years old (like less than a week ago) and will be beginning 10 grade next year. My hobbies include reading (yes, I'm a dork like that:P), watching movies, photography, and playing on the computer. I am more of a movie watcher than a tv watcher, which is why I have very few shows on my favorites list. :P

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