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FireLordZuko93 Blog

Brain Busters #6

Like i said..#5 was tricky and you really have to read it carfully. some people did get it though;)

[spoiler] he's dead so he can't very well marry anyone [/spoiler]

math question this time...and no calculators:P

Divide 30 by1/2 and add 10. What is the answer?

Brain Busters #5

If you didn't know much about sports the last one may have been hard

[spoiler] theres 6 outs in an inning. An inning is when both teams have been up to bat. So since it is 3 outs for both teams..3 + 3 = 6:P [/spoiler]

next one's tricky:P

Can a California man legally marry his widow's sister?

Brain Busters #4

#3 was easy in my option.:P answer = [spoiler] All 12 have 28 i need to explain it?:P [/spoiler]

next ones sports related....

In baseball, how many out are in an inning?

Brain Busters #3

I thought #2 was hard..but it's not the hardest one! the answer is [spoiler] just 1...most people are only born 1 time:P [/spoiler]

next question

Some months have 31 many have 28?

Brain Busters #2

Ok, the answer to the first one was [spoiler] Yes, they have forth of Julys in England, it's just not a holiday:P [/spoiler]

next question

How many birthdays does the average man have?

Brain Busters #1


My teacher gave our class this sheet of brain busters quesitons to try and figure out. I thought they were kinda easy, but i'll still post them here. I'll have the answer to this one tomorrow along with another question:P Think about these pretty hard, some can be confusing at first;)

Do they have fourth of July in England?

Four Nations War

Well, another war has started out again. Before i say anything else i'll say


why join the earth kingdom you ask? Because everyone is going over to the Fire Nation for some reason. But becuase they are all going to them..the postions for new players gets lower. The Earth Kingdom has yet to fill up half of the postions. So if you join now, you have a higher postion than the other nations:D Here are the rankings so far...

Earth Kingdom:

Earth King-isabelwhatz

Dai Li Commander-foxhole7

Dai Li-FireLordZuko93,dantedones

Committee of Earth Generals-

Sandbending Regiment-

Metal Squad-

Naval Troopers-

Land Troopers-

Non-bending Regiment-


If you would like to join please PM Isabelwhatx and tell her what postion you would like.

Re-opened Fans of Zuko

I've decited to try and reopen the Fans of Zuko. Since it's from a blog it wouldn't be as good as on the forum but that's what the mods wanted us to do.

If you a fan of Zuko at all please join! He doesn't even have to be your favorite character.:D If you would like to join, pm me or comment in my blog:D I'll also invite pleople to join if they say that they like Zuko. Everyone who joined before is still a member.



Honor Members

1. EmoHaruno

2. gilvatar

3. bl0ndi3girl18


1. Isabelwhatz

2. Hiei1314

3. Axrendale

4. Lindz-Chan

5. Zuko_thebeast

6. lordozai890

7. AllieAllie

8. shasha2417

Also if you are a member please put this in your sig


Yep. I got my first TOS this morning.

The offence? My sig was too big.

The thing i find odd about this is that i only had a over-limit sig for like less than 24 hours.

ALOT of people also have big sigs but THEY havn't reseaved a TOS

I'd really like to know who reported me!:x


The mods found our clubs. :evil::cry: All the treads are locked now. A mod sent us this

Let's try again.

Given all the issues we recently had with people going off-topic and the suspensions and bans that resulted, staff and moderators do not want clubs involving mostly... off-topic discussion. If you want to create a thread to discuss a particular character, create the thread and discuss the character. Off-topic posts within those threads will be moderated accordingly.

Off-topic discussion should go to the one off-topic thread that the forum is permitted.

If folks want to have private clubs, or further off-topic discussion with friends, that is what blogs are for. Use your personal sig line, put a link in it to the blog where it's hosted.

All relevant unpinned and unapproved club threads have been locked. No TOS violations have been handed out for off-topic posting in the Avatar forum because of this. Attempts to create new clubs will be moderated accordingly. appreciates that members of a community want to have a chance to get together and chat about non-Avatar stuff as friends. That's why we provide an off-topic lounge and personal blogs. Excessive off-topic threads clutter up the forum and make it difficult for actual discussion of the show to occur. They also lead to fighting, rivalry, and excessive bumping as each club tries to make sure their thread stays near the top.

The same applies to games. There is a set limit of four games per forum, to prevent clutter and excessive bumping. All but the four most popular games have been moved to the Fun & Games forum. Creation of new games will be treated as any other TOS violations.

What i want to know is, WHATS SO OFF-TOPIC ABOUT IT?!?!

To me there is nothing off-topic about fan clubs. I mean, even when we were off-topic it was kinda on-topic, meaning our off-topic disscusions were about avatar. I may be think cuase I'm a blond but i don't we why they say general avatar disscusions are off-topic.

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