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Fire_net Blog

A tale like none you have ever known...

In the times of ancient Persia, there is a legend spun in a forgoten tongue. It tells of a Prince who fought, and who battled the powers of Time and Fate to right his terrible wrong.

The tale begins in India, with a magic dagger and Hourglass locked deep within the Maharaja's palace. Wanting to seize their boundless powers of Time for himself, the Maharaja's Vizier encouraged the king of Persia to invade his master's palace, promising victort in exchange for his pick of the spoils. But before the battles was done, the Prince of Persia had seized the Dagger the Vizier coveted and the king laid claim to the Hourglass...

New Toys

Hey guys i got a digital camera today and found out that it has some interesting edit features. I was messing around with some pictures and i have updated my blog pic. with the program. Once GS lets other pictures back up i will make more

A story

First of i would just like to say that (from corripsondance to my last post) i am now the sire of 17, yeah 17 other vampires!!!  I am impressed. And now I have (as a zombie) eaten 68 fricken' brains!!Secondly starting tomarrow i will tell a basic intro duction to the Prince of Persia: Sands of time story. I know many of you already now it but i hope that even if just one, that some one unaware will be interested in the story.

Surviving is hell

I found to siting that i find interesting. It would help me out alot if you go to them thanks.


P.S.    Hey did you guys see my new badge thing, neighborly


Once you go to either of the sites please sign up even if you wont ever go back. and tell me if you go to one

WTF? dam gamespot

All my pictures are missing, except my Blog picture. Does any one else see this or does my page look normal to everyone else? This site makes me so pissed

Rebel Scum!!

I got Star Wars: Battlefront 2 just a short while ago(2 days) and it is a great game. I have to say that i found the story great. I have a few questions to those of you that have this game already. There they are: Now there are some cool scenes i have seen that show Ob i and Anikin fighting on Mustifar. It looks in game but is it? There is a picture of Darth Mual in the instrution manual, is Darth Mual a playable character? And lastly , Is the Emporer a playable character?


This is Fire_net in Florida. I am at a relative's house and will be visiting here for the next 9 days. This will be the only blog i have up but I will try to update this one every day.

Ok so far the plain ride was nice(my first time) and we have been out to the peir. Very cool place.

Oh, and i just have to mention that, the owner of the computer (i dont like using really names) has WoW and DAM I REALLY DIDN'T KNOW WHAT I WAS MISSING. that game rocks


Hey, i thought that popwariorwithin would be a good person to help lead a PoP union, but he seems much more interested in WWE. :(If you like WWE go ahead and join but dont expect to see a ton of stuff about PoP. If you are still wanting to join a PoP(and only PoP) union then i think the Dagger of Time union is still going to be made, i have asked jtc456 and asked him if he still intends to make one. I believe he does and if/when he does i will let you guys know right away

Kick Start

I have not yet figured out how to put up my own banner, but i have contacted several people. If any of them deside to help me then i see many great banner appearing in my section in the future.

I have updated almost every thing else to fit a theme of the dahaka, a demonic incarnation of fate that was ruthlessly hunting the prince seeking to kill him.

Lastly me and some friends have already try(unsuccessfully) once to start a union. Now some other friends(hopefully in colaboration with the originals) are trying again. The original was to be deamed The Dagger of Time Union. The new one is yet to be named. If you want in just contact me or popwariorwithin.

Old School is Out

I just foundmy old SNES and my Genesis. Along with them i found my games(not many). Well , i desided to put them into the collection on here and i found out that 2 of my games have no records here. Not yet any way, i will be in touch with gamespot asking for the addition of them. These are the titles: Battle Grand Prix(SNES) and Dragon's Lair(SNES). These are not major games and easily over looked.I would expect them to atleast have some mention of Dragon's Lair on the site. They dont even have Dragon's Lair 2. All they have is Dragon's Lair 3(which IMO sucked),but dragon's lair is a gfun game. Well they will be reconized by the site soon enough(well as soon as i figure out how to contact them any way)