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Fishbrain8 Blog

Long time, no see...

Hey everyone...been a while since I've been here, a year according to my last blog post, then again I have been here, I've just haven't been very active, at all, is everyone?

Personally, I'm pretty good. Let me try and sum up the past year super quickly,

I just finished my last exams so I have officially finished year 11 of highschool, only one year left, and I'm gonna be one of the big kids of school. Pretty happy about that. I got all my subject selections...english, chem, physics, math methods and specialist maths (commonly known as the asian five cos apparently they're quite tricky) so I'm looking forward to that.

I had another birthday sometime in August so I'm 17 now. I finally decided to get my learners permit. 100% on the test, the guy thought I cheated. Driving is fun.

Been thinking a bit this past year. I'm thinking after I finish highschool and all that jazz that I want to go to university and study medicine. It's two seperate courses to become fully qualified to be a doctor (I actually wanna be a surgeon) and the good thing about that is if I don't like medicine as much as I thought I would, this course can get me into engineering, which would be another cool thing to study. All up the whole thing will take like 7 years, sorta disappointing. School for another 7 least it will be stuff I like.

As for hobbies and stuff. Rowing finished at the end of February this year and it was awesome. Soem of the best fun i've ever had and teh crew I was in was awesome. However, decided not to row this season cos it takes up so much time and I really need to study if I'm doing hard subjects next year. But secretly, me and my crew are planning to go out and row anyway, just nowhere near as competetively as the other guys. Like seriously, they train at least 8 times a week...then again so did i last year. Wow. Since I stopped though, lost alot of muscle and put on weight...makes me sad. Anyways summer holidays coming up for me, time to get fit again.

Writing was somethign I also did a lot of...haven't really done that for...well probably a year. I just can't find any inspiration. I miss writing though. It was fun. Same goes for reading really. Haven't found many good books, haven't really been looking. Though, I did get Brent Weeks newest book 'The Black Prism' and I liked that alot.

As sad as it is, I haven't played games much either. My X-box and computer haven't had much love for a long time. Though I did buy Alan Wake this year. I love that game. It was amazing. The storyline...very very strange, captivating and brilliant...haven't played any of the DLC for it yet. Need to get my 360 hooked back up to the web (me and my family moved house and it isn't as easy to connect it to the web here, but I am thinking of buying the new 360 just cos it looks sleek and cool...and mine's...not that sleek.) But I loved Alan Wake.

Um...well that spretty much a summary of my year. Well I did a lot more but I just wanted to try and get through everything quickly and I still wrote more than I really planned. Sorry about that guys. Forgot how fun this blogging stuff is. So i'm not sure how often I'll be on GS, lookign back, probably not often. But I just wanted to see how everyone was cos I haven't been around for ages and you guys are awesome.

Sorry for all the typos :P See ya ;)

P.S. Just made a new icon, banner and blog header thingy - not my best work, only took half an hour, but please tell me what you think


I just finished Assassins Creed II and it was completely awesome! I honestly didn't see that coming. Hurry up AC3!!!!

Party! revision, revision and more revision...

Hey everyone!

Well last night one of my mates threw a party for the end of the school year. It was also a going away party as this was his last year of school because he managed to get an apprenticeship at a restaurant. But it was a good party, started off slow...but got better as the night went on. There would've only been 20-30of us there, pretty much everyone drinking, dancing and partying. Then people got totally smashed...and they ended up needing people to constantly take care of them. And, seeing it was my mates last year, he went around saying goodbye to everyone and thanks. Some of the girls cried, though i'm sure they wouldn't have with out the alcohol. Anyway it was a good party.

Now for revision. I've got exams next week and the following monday, starting off with my biology exam. I usually go well on tests without studying, but these are a bit mroe important so i really need to revise. So over the next week and a bit I won't be here as much because exams will be taking up my time.

Thats all

Thanks for Reading

Well that was a much longer break than I expected...

Hey everyone! It's been ages since I've been on. I've just had no time at all.No idea where to start...

School: School has been school. But its nearly then end of the year. Two more weeks after tomorrow. Next week and the following monday is exams. The end of the second week is year 11 orientation, then i get to pick up my report. I've settled on subjects for next year. I'm doing Maths Methods (Hardest Maths), English Expression (Normal English), Chemistry, Physics, Outdoor Ed, and Year 12 Biology. I did have other subjects chosen but...well...i'm in indecisive so i had to change them all lol.

Sport: I've still been doing a lot of sport. Karate a few times a week, Futsal once a week, and rowing training pretty much everyday. The training for rowing is really hard and intense. We have weights twice a week, ergos (rowing machines) twice a week, and every weekend we're travelling to get to water to actually row on as the lake where I live is pretty empty.

Weather: It's spring!...and its gonna be a very hot summer. We've been having like 30-35 degree days and its just boiling. Especially when we row (I've got a tan line). I can't wait until summer. I'll be going to the pool pretty much everyday, thats if i'm not rowing.

Gaming: This is very very sad...I have played very little if any games the past few months. But, with the release of Modern Warfare 2 (which i'm yet to get) and Assassins Creed to I'm definitely gonna be spending a few days playing my dust-covered 360.

Writing/Reading: A few of you may remember that I write, and I've finally gotten around to writing more and typing it up. It wasn't much more but still. And now I feel like writing again so it'll probably end up having a few more pages added to it. Now for the awesome news: Matthew Reilly finally released another book. It was the Five Greatest Warriors ( A follow on to "Seven Ancient Wonders" and Six Sacred Stones") and it was awesome. I'd been waiting for probably 3 years for that book to come out and it was worth the wait. He just has an awesome way of writing with so many unexpected twists and turns and dare-devil stunts. I loved it.

Other: Umm...well i'm thinking I'll update my avatar and profile banner...they're old. Not sure what i'll do though...maybe something Assassins Creed. But it should be fun, I haven't used GIMP for ages. And what else. Oh yeah last week was my girlfriends and mine 6 month anniversary. We didn't get to do much though. We had a long weekend at rowing and a hot day at school that day so we pretty much just crashed for the night. It was good. The school is still making us all think about careers and I;ve still got no idea *sigh* hmm...there's probably tons more that I haven't mentioned but I just can't think of anything.

Anyway, how is everyone? What have you been up to? I'd check past blogs but...that'd be a lot to catch up on.

So yeah...I'm back...not sure for how long seeing I'll be pretty busy especially over the next two weeks but i'll try and get on every now and then.

Thanks for Reading

Been gone for a while...

Well I haven't been here for a while. I've had lots on the past few weeks. I'm still really busy and will be indefinitely so I've got no idea when I'll be back.

Been doing more writing. A freind and me are writinga story together.

I've been doing tons of sport: futsal, karate and then training everday for rowing. And hockey satrts next week.

Still been working. Earning myself a bit of cash.

School has been school. Boring. Hanging out with friends. Finding my IT course boring. My IT programming class is even worse. Thinking of changing out of that and into P.E. Fitness.

So I'm going pretty well. Hope everyone else is the same.Only a short blog today.

Catch ya later

Saw Bruno today...

...and it was amazing. Absolutely hilarious. Me and my mates were laughing non-stop the whole time. Some parts were...disturbing...but what else do you expect from Sacha Baron Cohen?

I've still got other stuff happening at the moment so I don't know when I'll be back and active on GS

Thanks for reading and I'll cya 'round

DarkxSoul713 also banned

Another banning....didn't see that coming...

Anyway i'm not feeling too well...don't know when I'll be on next...have fun all

Thanks for reading and I'll cya 'round

Z-Blood banned

Title sums it up. Another friend has been banned from Gamespot, again, got no idea why. I seriously wanna stop doing these blogs Gamespot...

In other news not much else has happened. Had weights training at 7 monday morning. Have it again tomorrow morning. Karate that night...yeah...

Thanks for reading and I'll cya 'round

Some stuff, and combatsoldier banned

Hey how's everyone going? I'm pretty good besides some sore muscles because of lots of stuff I've been doing the past few days. On Thursday I had school until 1pm, then my IT course until 5pm, then karate until 8pm. It was all good. But on friday I woke up with my muscles aching a bit because we did an excess amount of push-ups (like over 100). Then it was a normal school day, got a little homework for biology. Then straight after school I had weights training for rowing. It went for like an hour and it was really good, lots of good people there too. Then I walked home, got changed, walked back to school about half-an-hour later for futsal. We won one game, lost the other. The first game: At half time, we were losing, 8-2. The second half we had an amazing comeback and we ended up winning, 9-8. I scored a goal, Harley scored 2, and Jacki scored 6! Then onto the second game: It was really intense. It was just about goal-for-goal the whole time, but the other team ended up winning 5-3. Their goalkeeper was really good.
Today I got up, lots of sore muscles, thanks to karate, weights training, and futsal. So I slept in and relaxed most of the time. This afternoon though I went to the pool for a swim, hoping it might relieve a bit of tension on my kinda did. I didn't swim that far...only a kilometre, it was so much easier when I use to do swimming training though.

I've only got one week left of school then I get holidays :D It should be great. I'm working a few shifts so that should give me the money I need to pay off my pre-ordered Assassins Creed 2 Black Edition and also pay off something I laybyed today. I went to Rebel Sport and they had a pretty decent set of weights there. It has dumbbells, weights up to 50kg, more stuff...its pretty good. So hopefully I'll pay that off soon. Also its a friends birthday on the holidays...he's already planned it all. It's gonna be an all-nighter so it should be lots of fun. Only problem is i'm working on one of the I'll have to try and swap shifts with someone...
And maybe, if I have enough money, I'll start saving it. Or maybe see about pre-ordering Modern Warfare 2 or Splinter Cell Conviction.

Besides all that, I've still been doing the usual: practising guitar, i've done a little writing, still been reading (up to Shadow's Edge in the Night Angel Trilogy), talking to people on MSN, hanging out with friends...

Oh and I can't wait until school next term! Well the school part I can...but its gonna be great because Intermediate Hockey starts. Its gonna be awesome especially seeing I didn't get to play seniors hockey this semester because of my IT course.

And I decided not to do the World Challenge program were I travel to Vietnam. I know it would be really good, fun, and a great experience...but for the amount it costs...its not really worth it seeing you only stay for a month. If I went over seas with that amount of money I could backpack around for about 3 months. So yeah...

Now for some bad news. Another one of my friends, and also a lot of peoples friends, has been banned. Combatsoldier got banned from Gamespot. I'm not entirely sure why though. But seriously WHAT THE **** GAMESPOT!? WHY DO YOU KEEP BANNING PEOPLE!?!?

So thats another friend banned. I'm really not too happy with Gamespot at the moment.


Thanks for reading and I'll cya 'round