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Fishbrain8 Blog

Another blog so soon

Well i just finished the main story in Fallout 3 and i'm sitting through the very long credits and felt kinda dissapointed with the end. In someways it was really good but i just would've preffered something different. But i don't want to spoil it for people who haven't played so thats all i'll say about the end. Plus, its still a great game and now i'm gonna be a bad guy:twisted: I've still got tons more to do in the game so it'll keep me occupied for a while.

In other news, I'm still reading the same book and its still really good. I've been doing a bit of writing just for the fun of it. The movie Underworld is on tonight so i'll probably watch that. I'm running out of things to say so I hope everyones going okay and

Thanks for reading and I'll cya 'round

Nothing in particular

This blog isn't really about anything much i just wanted to say that i finally got Fallout 3. So far it is awesome and i love it. I haven't made it that far yet though but i've got tons of time.

Today was one of my mates birthdays but he went on holidays so we had to have the party Monday/Tuesday. It was real awesome we went go-karting and stayed up until i can't remember when.

Finally found some new books to read. It's a series written by Jennifer Rardin and the first one is called Once Bitten, Twice Shy. It's really good so far and i hope the rst of the series is just as awesome. And the one i'm reading has a vampire in it.

Anyway, i hope everyone is going well and they remember fallout 3 is awesome!

Thanks for reading and I'll cya 'round

All settled in

Some of you may remember about me mentioning i was moving house. Well its all completely done. My room's completely set up and all my boxes unpacked. I didn't think the room at this house was much bigger than the old one but there is a huge difference. I've got walking space in my room now and there's a double bed, bookshelf, huge desk with my computer, games, printer, 360 and a reasonable TV. Oh, and my PS1. I'm amazed it still works.

Holidays are awesome. I've been working on weekends and getting called into work occasionaly because its been super busy. I don't mind though cos i get money to spend. Got one of my mates, Steely888, coming in tomorrow so we should have an awesome time gaming. Then monday week its another friends birthday and we're going go-karting.

I picked up my copy of the Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind the other day and haven't really put it down. It's awesome and I've downloaded, well, too many mods. I've decided to try and make my own too. Nowhere near as easy as i thought it'd be. I've read through tons of tutorials which are awesome. And I've also been playing Oblivion again. I guess i really wanted to play some RPG's. I decided to look up when the next Elder Scrolls game comes out as well. Haven't found much though:(. It might be coming out in 2010 and there's a couple of places it could be set.

Cool, that's all.

Thanks for reading and I'll cya 'round.

Happy New Year!

2008 is nearly behind us and 2009 is just around the corner. 2008 has been a good year with lots of games and movies and we can only hope that 2009 is even better.

Plans for New Years Eve...kinda don't have any which sucks. Probaly stay up until 12 and watch fireworks on the TV, they're always pretty awesome. Then just go to sleep. This is gonna be a pretty boring night.


Thanks for reading and I'll cya 'round.

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Seeing I probaly won't be getting on tomorrow I'll do a christmas blog now. So, yeah, I hope everyone has a merry christmas and an awesome day. I know i will. We've finished moving to our new house which is bigger and better and we're having family and friends over for lucnh or some other meal time. And it also my first x-mas here at GS. Happy Holidays everyone! Thanks for reading and I'll cya 'round.

Nearly finished moving and end of school for 2008!

Well we've nearly finished moving house. It's been a hard week and turns out we've got a lot of crap. All that's left at our old house is a couple of mattresses, fridge, T.V and my computer(just until we get internet and everything sorted out at the new place). We should be finished moving by christmas and we're spending the day at the new place with family and friends.

Now for the awesome part. School is over for 2008! We get six or eight weeks off and get to spend them in the nice sunny weather. I got my school report and it's alot better than i expected. I'm year 9 currently and my reading, writing and maths were all past year 10 standards.

Haven't bought any new games for a while, thinking about Fallout 3 though. I've been playing Gears 2 again on insane. Nearly finished it again. I've been doing a bit of writing cos i've been bored and my teacher said i should write cos i'm pretty good at it. I got the last book in the Night Angel Trilogy by Brent Weeks and it was awesome. I'm re-reading them. Need to get some new books though , don't have anything else to read seeing everything is in a box somewhere. I'd appreciate any suggestion. Especially fantasy books.

I think thats just about everything, not much else as happened.

Thanks for reading and I'll cya 'round.

What has the world come to?

I was reading the news paper before work this morning and read an article. Here's an extract from it:

FOUR prep school students, none more than six years old, have been suspended after they bashed an older student at a primary school.

The injured Heidelberg Primary School boy, 10, was taken to hospital with head injuries as a result of the attack.

Assistant regional director Bruce Armstrong, from the state education department, said the students, all aged about six, had wrestled a grade four student to the ground.

Mr Armstrong told 3AW radio the boy "may have hit his head" on the ground, before the students continued attacking him as he lay on the floor.

The full article is here if you wanna read it:,21985,24754757-661,00.html

Seriously little kids shouldn't be doing stuff like that. They should be running around and having fun. If those kids are like that now imagine how they'll be when they get older if they don't get any help now. I just couldn't believe that article.

Anyway i said in my last blog i might be moving houses. Well, I am. My mum found a nice, big house and we're moving in next weekend. I'll still be online this week but once it gets to the weekend you won't see me for a while.

Besides that nothing much is happening. I've got a work X-mas party on Monday night which will be awesome and then schools nearly over for the year. I've been reading The Night Angel Trilogy by Brent Weeks and its awesome. I got the first two books and was gonna buy the third but i was told not to cos no one really knows what to get me for christmas. That's about all.

Thanks for reading and I'll cya 'round.

IT Course and moving house. Not yet but soon.

Hey everyone. In my last blog i mentioned the IT course i went for and how it was weird cos i din't get the first letter taht i was meant to. Well today i got that letter. I've filled it in and tomorrow when i go to school i'm gonna hand it in and then i'll be officially in the course. Now for the moving house part. Well my mum's only renting the house we're in at the moment and the guy said he wants to sell it. I don't know when or why but he is gonna sell it. I went out with my mum this morning to get some medicine and when we got back there was sign in the front yard saying "For Sale" We weren't expecting the sign to go up today but it did. So now my mum is looking for a house with enough space for me, her and my two sisters and one brother. Anyway, I'm still playing Final Fantasy XII. It's a lot longer than i thought it would be and levelling up is essential to be able to win this game. It's still really fun. I haven't played any other games cos i really, really want to finish it. And I get an awesome christmas present...maybe. So my uncle and auntie and their baby are coming down from Queensland to spend Christmas with us(I live in victoria, you might wanna check a map of Australia if you have no idea what I'm talking about) and when they go back i might be going with them. It'll be so nice and warm up there compared to down here where i live. It's meant to be Spring but it's still cold and raining!:( And I've nearly gotten over the cold. I've still got a bit of a cough but that'll go soon. The only problem is i couldn't work over the weekend so I've got no money to buy all the games that i want. Thanks for reading and i'll cya 'round.

Quantum of Solace and more...

Yesterday was my mates birthday and we went and saw the new James Bond movie with a couple of friends after school. The movie was really good even though we had to explain most of it to the two girls who came with us. Anyway, all that mattered was that we all had a good time.

In another blog i posted i said i was trying to get into an IT course and i kinda got into it. It's strange cos i was meant to get a letter saying that i was in it and i had to pay about half of the fees for next year but i didn't get that letter but i did get another note saying i was in the course, when it is, where it is, and that I've payed half of the fees. So it's really weird and I'm getting the first letter sent to me again.

And now for the bad part. Turns out I coming down with a cold. Hopefully i'll get over it quickly though.

Thanks for reading and I'll cya 'round

Finished Gears of War 2

Let me start by saying Gears 2 is an awesome game and you have to get it. Anyway, I picked up my limited edition of the game the day it came out. Thankfully i had no school so it was Gears all day. I finished it that day on normal difficulty. The bad thing is I haven't played it since because I've had work the past two days and I still want to finish Final Fantasy 12. So when that's done I'll be back playing Gears 2 and on Insane difficulty. I've done a review on the game so you can check it out if you want. That's about it. Thanks for reading and I'll cya 'round.