New story, new skin, same game.Even kept the play the same game 3 times strategy.I guess if it works you dont need to change it.Unfortuately for me, I found D2 excessively redundant.Probably wont be playing this one.
@squall_83 You are soooo funny.If only blizzard had previous experience with servers for millions of players........and you missed the other complaint, encouraging farming/botting to make real money fromdigital items that Blizzard takes a piece of, nice trend those already rich greedy maggots arestarting.
Interesting how the doing the same thing is bad for all games but blizzard.Starcraft does the same thing and gets an editor's choice.I wonder what Diablo is going to get?
@zheimers Gamespot always rates Blizzard games high.But then look at the amount of advertisiing Blizzard does at this site.Guess the dont want to upset a major customer.
10 years, using battenet, same game engine with new textures, and you still fail. Only blizzard.I bet the AH is bug free.
@fullbej Nice try, but even doing the same thing twice Blizzard cant do it right. Other companies are innovative, they try new things and still do it better.the first time.But thanks for the base-less assumption.
Game might be full of bugs, but rest assuredthe auction house where the steal even more money from players andpromote botting is 100% okay.
They forgot to mention that Diablo II was hacked to death and it took them over 2 years to actually patch it.Thats a pretty major fault that they just happened not to mention.
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