Surely you jest? No profit = no further product. Anything else is a secondary objective at best.
FlankerDFMax's forum posts
Probably be a good idea to run this question in the official FC 3 tech forum over at Ubisoft.
Oh yea......................and it may be time to update your OS.
it's blatantly obvious what the average "gamer" look for in a game nowadays since he or she acts and thinks like a sheep.
Yes, this is the best looking game right now, but I'm sorry it is just another average FPS.
Graphics don't make the game, they just enhance it. The game is ok but the AI is incredibly stupid, you can even simply be in stealth mode almost the entire game and wreak havok on any enemy you come across which make the game very easy.
I'm sorry, but the first crysis is still the best This one has a "better" multiplayer compared to to the other two Crysis games but compared to other multiplayer FPS's like Battlefield 3 for example cmon now it does not even touch it
It boils down to this, this is a remarkable looking game made mostly as a Benchmark and for Crytek to sell the graphic engine to other companies, but the gameplay is weak which is a shame and the short 6 to 7 hour Campaign does not justify the 60 dollars price
Well said, Sir. Good comment about BO II also...........................that game looked and ran great, really good game play, and had choices that did make a difference in the story path and ending. The story itself........................just another example of stuff seemingly written by a group of people who think the storylines of the SciFi channels original movies are the benchmark to strive for.
I started gaming on a Commadore 64 in 1986, and transitioned to an IBM style "computer" in '92. That gives me a fair bit of perspective over time. I'm amazed at how stunning modern DX 11 PC games look compared to what we all thought was the bomb "back then". BO II, Crysis 2, Max Payne 3, Sky Rim, ME 2 & 3, amongst others have all run at great frame rates on my rig/s too, and featured very good to great gameplay. Really a great technical feat. On the other hand; with only a couple exceptions..............the stories are pretty much the same quality as "back in the day". Another not so great recent trend is the habit of allowing poorly implemented, omnipresent cutscenes to dominate the storyline. Or worse, cutscenes that take and give back (to the player) character control repeatedly during their course. Can we ignore the effect of multiplayer dominance on single player content? Another detriment in my book, as many recent FPS games seem to feature SP content that's almost an afterthought. Wouldn't it be great if SP and MP content be available separately, so the consumer can buy one or the other at a price point advantage, or as a package if that were preferable? In the GFX has grown by leaps and bounds and MP content has come to dominate game development...............SP campaigns have gotten shorter and shorter, and all to often the storyline is overly simplistic. :(
Hearing that the game is very easy and short is disappointing. Think I'll wait til it drops to $29.99. The nano suit has gotten old, and Crytek needs to move on from Crysis.
Ditto for me. CryTek is starting to look like a one hit wonder, well, two if you count the original FarCry.
I really liked the first two games of this series (AvP & AvP II).......................the last one was a total snooze fest. Never made it through the second level before uninstalling it. I've been tracking this edition; resisted the urge to preorder it, and held fast against dropping into the local GameStop on my way by today.......................... ....figuring I'd hold off a few days to see what the player buzz turned out to be. At least this is one I won't be thinking: Hey! Can I have my $60.00 back??!! And, speakin' of thinking...........................WTBleep were the project leads at Gearbox thinking halfway through the development when it should have been readily apparent this thing had taken a wrong turn?
Skills are unlocked by main mission completion, and not all main missions unlock skills; you may have to complete several in a row before you get to the next one that gives you some skill unlocks. I've got 12 skill points stockpiled right now, and as the main story is mostly an uninteresting linear corridor shooter; I'm not really messing with it much. Might be sitting on them for awhile.
GS forums have gone to the dogs.
So it's not just me. Been a member since 2002..................not sure if it's worth it anymore. I'm especially disappointed by them having compacted all the platform specific forums into a single forum, and the game previews are universally fanboyish/girlish. No one seems to ever ever question anything in developing games presentations or features. It's pretty much I'll just pee myself and gush all over it. Not that there's anything wrong with needs to be tempered with a bit of objectivity (we all have likes and dislikes---it's not unfair to ask questions or raise issues based on them), and skepticism.
No ****? That's interesting......................I detest the sneak into the base mission......................have to check this out. TY!
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