[QUOTE="Flim_Flam07"] blah blah blah blah
Also PS3 has some texture ram issues. blah blah blah
BS *some random lies and misinformantion* more BS blah blah
The underlined part is the only truth in that whole littlemisleading rant of yours.
The rest of it was just fanboy BS. The PS3 is better in EVERY aspect over the xbox360 other than texture and ram and it's apparent in almost every comming out now because the PS3 distroys the xbox360 in lighting, physics, animation, scale and sound.
The ONLY place xbox360 is better than PS3 is textures so that's all you guys talk about. Sad really, next gen for xbox360 fanboys = teh textures. Next gen for PS3 fans = Everything else.
Man do you research PLEASE.
I'm not going to even begin to start posting links if your that out of the loop. Just about all COWS have accepted this for the past year.
The 360 GPU runs at a 95% efficiantcy rate the RSX does not. The 360 GPU pushes 500 mil poly's the RSX about 250 mil poly's And the 360 GPU has built in 10MB ram for free AA not to even mention the 360 GPU can do physics caclilations if ever needed.
And yes the 360's ram is designed much better. It has unified ram so developers can acces all 512 for whatever they want the PS3 is split and makes it harder on developers to access it all not to mention the PS3 OS eats a lot of the 256 split.
I'm not making any of this up goiogle this all you want. But these know FACTS have been talked about for over a year now and it's OLD NEWS
The 360 GPU and 360 ram design>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.RSX and the split 256 ram
Only thing PS3 has is a starage media advantage in Blu-Ray and an in thery better CPU neither of these translate to what counts for GRAPHICS RAM design and GPU and 360 crushes the PS3 in these 2 regards
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