[QUOTE="Flim_Flam07"][QUOTE="realmarine187"]Your asking a little to soon. Wait till around the christmas rush. If we start the new year off like we ran this summer then yes, I think the PS3 will be lost. However, with that said, it dosnt look like the PS3 will have any upcoming problems. There are some great games about to launch and it apears that the dry spell is over. Its up to the programers to do awesome ports and up to sony to keep the first rate games coming. Its important to remember that the PS3 is a lot harder to write for. Its still a little before its time. We just need to wait for programers to catch up now.realmarine187
And it really has not helped that Sony got hit with a BIG FLOP in Lair and then HS ki nd of flopped a little and then Warhawk scores ok but then is in a bad state becuase of the online issues it is having.
Ok Flim Flam. I really did give you a chance but now your starting to sound like a troll. You may want to start thinking about the system wars board if your looking for a fight. Dont start bashing on stuff you have no idea about. You have yet to play HS and the only people who really hate Lair are the reviewers, it has a HUGE fanbase. As far as Warhawk goes the only problem that it is seeing right now is the stats. Everything else is working great and it is a awesome game. I shouldnt have stuck up for you on your topic. I didnt realize that you were looking to start something.
:roll:HUH man i was only asking question. And saying the truth of the state of PS3. I have never said anythin bad or anything about wanting bad for PS3. I was just asking if anyopne felt PS3 was struggleing compared to the PS2 glory?
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