The result of the wicked empire we inhabit being in charge since the 1940s is 15million + deaths.
Our corporations rape and distort various cultures of the world and we are attempting to homogenize the planet with our education, infrastructure etc.
Why are we even in so many countries and how can men and women serve under our government to fight for the biggest nothing in history (war on terrorism)
How exactly can you when a "War on Terror". From what I recall this is the first war waged on emotions and causation of emotions, we all know it is an excuse for the military industrial complex to spread much like fighting communism.
As a nation we butcher millions and call them collateral damage or insurgents. For every innocent we kill we recruit more to be "terrorists" (all though we are the real terrorists of the world unleashing havoc on the middle east) and thus create a perpetual cycle of bloodshed.
Have so many Americans neglected that our very empire is built on "terrorism" and that we fought the same guerrila tactics against the Brittish that Vietnam and those "terrorist" groups in the middle east do against us.
We are building in nations that do not want our nation building and wasting precious resources. Our empire has become a blood vacujum as we send women, childeren and men to their deaths for a rowdy bunch of revolutionaries.
Why the middle east even if we truly care about policing the world Africa is in a more dire situation.
I refuse to salute our blood stained flag, I refuse to recite patriotic material of a nation that turned its back on the revolution it started. I say we may have made strides in terms of tolerance but we have also become the very bane of what America was about in the first place.
Do not ask me to respect the troops (pawns in this sick games), do not ask me to respect President Obomber, and never ask me to stand in a moment of silence because I will not sit or stand idley by as our nation commits war crimes and ravages the middle east.
I say we all act to change the current unsustainable state of our country. So lets discuss how...
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