[QUOTE="Zero-G_basic"]The same reason i'm glad i didn't buy a wii. They won't be ripping me off.Lilac_Benjie
Poor you. Not being able to enjoy Super Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3, SSBB, NiGHTS 2, and complete the third party support once it migrates away from Sony for costing $600 thus diminishing Sony's install base this generation.
Enjoy switching place with the sheep this generation. Wii will sell most consoles and recieve most third party support, while Playstation 3 will have massive droughts in-between first party God of War 4 and Shadow of the Colossus 2.
Poor you. A series of 20 year old marketing icons has managed to beguile you to such a degree that you have completely reordered your values concerning video games. Things like graphical quality, the depth of gaming as an enterainment medium, increased hardware efficency, price, third party freedom of support, origionality, hardware functionality, and buisness ethics have taken a back seat to the minimal "fun" that the is able to provide.
Enjoy watching this generation degrade into a childish hell-hole of 20 year old marketing icons, devoid of value and meaning, and "family-friendly" garbage produced for the ever growing mass of casual gamers who consider gaming as nothing more than a childish play thing.
Why the Wii betrays consumers:
1. Mass advertisement.
2. Altering and expanding the market by the most derogatory method possible.
3. Lowering consumer expectations.
4. Limiting the function of video games to little more than a childish plaything.
5. Exploiting nostalgia and franchise tags that are over two decades old.
6. Reordering value by the low standards and expectations consumers develope.
7. Producing games that reflect the demand of the new "family-friendly" and "casual" audience.Too bad Wii fans are participating in the collective regression and intellectual genocide of video games as a meaningful and valid entertainment medium. Too bad Wii fans are advocating low standards, embracing obsolete hardware, and ignoring the higher functions of video games. Too bad Wii fans are supporting the single most regressive, anti-consumer, and limiting company in this sick industry. Too bad the quality of Wii games this generation will decline in porportion to the size of new "casual" consumers. Too bad the Wii butchers the functionality and quality of gaming to such an extent that it can't provide anything beyond the most basic, primitive, and immediate forms of pleasure.
Watching a 20 year old marketing icon jump around a world devoid of meaning and consequence doesn't exactly stimulate my desire for entertainment. Swatting a ball around with the flick of a wrist, or making silly star-patterns for boosts, doesn't exactly cater to my desires either. But hell, you're right. We probably do have different experiences.My problem with Wii, and Nintendo in general, is that they limit the functionality of games (and technological progression) to its most base, simple, and regressive forms -- they provide no alternative products, or freedom for developers who might want to make games around the demands of consumers who have moved beyond gawking at 20 year old marketing icons and pointlessly swatting balls across the screen.
My problem is complicated by the fact that Wii is working against the best intrests of consumers in this industry, lowering the expectations of consumers, and destroying the validity of gaming as a respectable entertainment medium.
I'm simply too critical to use the base and simple entertainment I might recieve from a Wiisports games as a benchmark that justifies the existence, quality, and potential of a "next-gen" console. You like Wiisports and SPM? Great.
Does it make Wii a good console? No. Does it mean that Wii is working to advance the industry and the entertainment medium of gaming? No. Is it fair to praise these products in such a high and valuble light when they cater to the lowest expectations and desires we all have? No. Does the Wii provide cutting-edge hardware at a fair price? No. Does the Wii encorporate and embrace gaming as a valid and broad entertainment medium? No. Does the Wii encourage third party development and exceed the demands of consumers? No.
We all know what good is for this industry from the perspective of consumers. We've always known: stronger hardware, cheaper prices, more developers, more intellectual freedom, more innovation, newer and bolder ideas, greater functionality, more depth, more game for your dollar. I don't exactly need to look into a crystal ball and evoke a druidish chant to scrye what is good for us. Nintendo has forced many of its fans to reorder, forget, or denounce these very functional, positive, and historically important values to rationalize their support for a product that works against their interests, fails to meet the benchmarks of this generation, and has butchered the functionality and scope of gaming as an entertainment medium.
Bashing the Wii for the horrible quality of its hardware, the marketing campaign it has employed, its mission statement, and its clear shortcomings is anything BUT mindless fanboy rabble.
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