It's bigger on PC.
First of all, I'm going to say I think you're wrong in claiming that more people own modified consoles than PC's. I would even go as far as to say for every 1 person who owns a modified console, there are 30 people who own a PC. I would estimate a 30 to 1 ratio in favor, not that many people own modified consoles.
Every act of piracy is done on a PC. If you're pirating PC games, you do it on a PC. If you're pirating console games, you do it on a PC. Every single act of piracy is done using a PC as the tool to get the job done. This automatically assumes that more PC games are pirated, because if a person is using their PC to pirate console games, who's to say they aren't pirating PC games as well? Especially considering that pirating PC games is easier? Pirating PC games and playing them doesn't require modifying your PC rig by soldering on aftermarket chips like you need to do for consoles. Plus, you don't need to burn PC pirated games onto discs.
Here are my bullet points as to why I think PC piracy is larger.
- Every act of piracy is performed on a PC, whether it be for console games or PC games.
- PC game piracy is easier and more accessible (doesn't require hardware modifications / burning discs)
- PC install base is larger than all of the console user bases combined, by a lot.
- Since every act of piracy is performed on a PC, who's to say that a person pirating console games isn't pirating PC games as well?
- Every pirate owns a PC, while only a fraction of pirates own modified consoles capable of playing pirated games.
And you dont need to solder any chip to modify a console...that's why I said "chip" because it's no longer a chip, it was a chip in the times of the PS2, now it's just a software alteration.
That's not entirely true.
Modding a console like the 360 is much more complicated then you are making it out to be. The "software alteration" you're talking about is actually flashing the firmware of the disc drive in the 360. You don't just "connect the xbox to a pc via a cable" like you posted earlier. It's actually a pretty complex process.
Obviously you have to take the 360 apart, which should only be done with a certain tool. Otherwise, you'll likely destroy the 360 casing. (And that's if you're lucky) Then you'd need to identify which particular 360 dvd drive is IN your 360. There's about a half-dozen (maybe more) different brands and/or varients of dvd drives that have been made for the 360. Some of them are easy to flash. Some of them are very difficult. And some of them (the newer ones) CAN'T be flashed. (Yet)
However, modding a 360 through a firmware flash is a bad option. First of all, flashed 360s are easily flagged when connected to XBL. About once a year MS permabans the modded consoles from XBL. But they don't just stop there. You lose your ability to install games on your HDD. Your XBL profile on THAT console is corrupted. (You can still import your gamertag from a 360 via xbl that ISN'T banned) And you can't bring anything (dlc, saves, GTs) from the banned console to a different console (via mem card or flash drive) without it being corrupted.
And finally, games come out in "waves" on the 360. I believe current games may be on wave 5 or 6. So basically, if your console was flashed, say, 2 years ago with the wave 3 firmware, then you will be unable to play any pirated game above wave 3 unless you (or someone else) takes your 360 apart again, and reflashes with the current firmware needed to play the current games. Oh, and there is NO way to get UNbanned from xbl once youve been banned.
Modding a 360 with a chip is actually the better option. (but not much better) You have to solder, and the chips cost money, (the amount depends on the quality of the chip) but there is less of a chance of you being banned from xbl. Also, it may be easier (depending on the chip) to update your modded console so it plays current games.
So... someone where you live might spend $300 on a modded console capable of playing pirated games... But if playing online, or playing any games that come out a year after they bought their flashed 360...they're going to be spending a good bit more.
Oh, and for my opinion, piracy is def bigger on pc OVERALL. Much, much easier.
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