@mariokart64fan Well, I actually would want to know. I understand the desire for premium graphics, but in the absence of the most cutting edge graphics, is there nothing Nintendo can do to entice buyers? I thought a solid system that has great games would be something, since many 3rd party developers are jumping on board. Maybe gamers want an entire multimedia center with each console release. But when console makers do this, like you said it drives prices up. When this happened the 360 and PS3 were criticized for being too pricey. Nintendo lowers the price on the console sacrificing some of these features, only for the community to laugh saying it isn't worth their time. All this just seems hypocritical.
Maybe it will be different with the next-gen systems, but I have a 99% feeling both consoles will just build on the what the current systems already offer with even more bells and whistles. And assuredly, they will cost at least $399.
What if the gamepad could also be made portable? As in (pick any one of the following or all three), it played 3DS games, utilized 4G capability, or you could watch your favorite Netflix programs on it. Does anyone think that would garner some interest? I'm curious to see what Nintendo should have done to really make the gamer community interested.
In all honesty, this review doesn't really match up well with the score. And one thing I notice is he seems to contradict what others are saying, along with himself. He mentions a revamp in the career mode making it much better and the new physics engine seems to make the game much more enjoyable.
But then he just paints a red streak across the whole review when he says the game is the same old game as previous iterations. Really, a lot of your review seems to say otherwise. In addition, looking at other sites, they seem to feel the new physics engine and changes to modes, gives the game a refreshing feel.
I haven't owned a Madden game since Madden 04 for the Gamecube, which was a great Madden game at the time. And with the changes many other sites and people have been saying, it seems like this is finally a worthy game to pick up. But for whatever reason, Tom here, decided to phone in this review. It's a football game, what do you expect?
What happens if they got Ridley Scott to do the film and then used the black goo from Prometheus? Arthas could be the long lost Alien Jesus who found his way through a multidimensional portal after he was crucified and was pretending to be Arthas. And then he uses the black goo to turn all the races of Azeroth into mindless zombies because the inhuman and selfish acts they have brought upon themselves have destroyed selfless progress. I think this is what the movie should do.
I would love to see Grand Theft Auto 5 on the Wii U. What they did with Chinatown Wars was great. A similar mix of the UGamepad and on the screen action would be the definitive choice for GTA5. That would definitely make it a system seller for me.
I enjoy a good shooter but the market is saturated so bad with shooters, it has gotten ridiculous. I think the only shooters in the last 20 years that I have really enjoyed and played on more than one occasion was Mass Effect series, Doom 3, Halo,Perfect Dark (N64 version), and Goldeneye (N64 version). I'm sure Quake was awesome but never got a chance to play.
The games I really enjoy are the ones that force me to think about my environment and have terrific action, Zelda or Ninja Gaiden 1 for example. So often do I feel that games that are truly unique are so rare in today's climate and shooters account for so much of the major releases. Take a hard look at this year's releases and you'll find that so much of them are shooters: 1st and 3rd.
This is why, even though Nintendo continues franchises and have for a long time, that I will always want to compliment the other system I buy with a Nintendo. Few other companies try and reinvent their main franchises and prevent them from becoming stale. Just look at Mario for example. Anyone who says Super Mario Galaxy is exactly like any other Mario game minus Galaxy 2, really needs to reevaluate that comparison. The idea may be the same but there really is a different feel to each game you play. I've never played a Zelda game and said, "Wow this is exactly like every other entry." Because it's not. I will always enjoy the fact that Nintendo counter balances the rest of the gaming industry with a different experience.
@AuronAXE I agree, Nintendo always gives others the tools to really let the creative juice going. Unfortunately, most game companies do 1 of two things, completely ignore it or create shovelware. Only rarely, have companies fully embraced the tools that Nintendo has offered. This game pad idea could really be an unique experience if they fully immerse the player with it. Otherwise, like so many think, this will be used for just the HUD. But I think that is unfortunate, since there is a lot I believe that the game pad can be used for. I really hope Zombie U is a terrific game, because it actually showed off what the game pad could become.
FoxExecutive's comments