@CrusaderForever Yes because that is how I want to game, with a pad on my lap. Or having to look elsewhere besides the controller or the tv screen. Maybe they cleaned him out just before they ate him. Think McFly, THINK!
@Eraldus Wait, I thought I heard RMAH and Gold are separated, meaning RMAH characters can't interact with gold based auction house. Is that not true? If so I might as well not play PVP. I refuse to use the RMAH.
I'm glad years end in March 2013 according to game companies, or maybe just Take-Two. How about we estimate according to when years actually end. And then instead say, "Our year end report, out in March will be this." The stock market is ruining game companies and many other things.
Question: Did they fix any bugs here lately? Still wondering if they fixed that quest on the Citadel where you are supposed to click a bunch of panels. I haven't played in a month hoping they did a bug fix patch. Does anyone know if they fixed some of the bugs?
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