Didn't answer my final question. "Finally, if god made everyone, then explain why there is more examples of evolution then intelligent design?" Also, how are you so sure that you've got the right version of God? How do you know that you're right and the Hindus are wrong. For all you know, you could be worshiping a fake God, while the Hindu people have the right concept of God. Also, the Crusades is going to be my example for my next point. The bible directly says (ten comandments idk religion) "Thou shalt not kill another man" However, throughout the Crusades people killed each other for God. The pope of that time, wanted to reclaim the Holy City of Jersulam for the Christian Faith, so he used the idea of skipping Purgatory to drive men to fight in the Crusades. For centuries, God has been used as a reason to go to war, blow people up, and he's also been commericalzed at this point. Faith is nothing more then a belief, an opinion. Also, how did you or whoever determine that there was no luck, no destiny, no coincidence? Master_Odin
It is not truth that there are more examples of evolution than intelligent design. I everyday see a new reason to believe in it. There are no versions. There are gods made by men (i.e. Zeus, Ares, Aphrodite, Diana, Poseidon) and others are cults to spirits (Baal, Astaroth, etc). There can't be two real Gods. Either one of them is fake and the other one is the true one. If there would be two Gods it would be a contradiction. God is the Alpha and the Omega. God is just. God was the first and will be the last. God existed always and will always exist. God is love. My God is that of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He is the truth.
Many men have acted in the name of God and did atrocities (inquisition, haunt for witches), There are men who are truly christian and betray their faith and willingly sin and apart themselves from the light. The only true religion is the christian one, christian signifies those that follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. His teachings are true. There is no other way to know the Father but by Jesus Christ. Withoout faith noone shall see God.
Written it is that there is no luck, no destiny and no coincidence; everything is in the hands of God, nothing escapes His Holy Will. He has a plan for every little thing in this universe. Amen.
[QUOTE="Soulja_West"]btw, Reviving old threads with large amouts of post in it, is another cheap way to make a union seem like its active.Gorman7147I agree with this sentiment. Someone has gotta end the grave posting. Secondly, since Franknight ir quite obviously a Christian, I was just wondering if he knew, thus stated by the Jewish faith and the original translation of the Old Testament of the Bible, that he is worshipping what was once considered a god of Volcanoes and War. This supreme entity that you believe in was not called the ONE god until the Jewish people of old slaughtered and massacred all of the other tribes around them. After slaughtering these innocent people for holding a different faith, the Jews demonized their gods, being the multiple Baals and the other ones, and claimed that their God was supreme. So ultimately, your faith only exists because many years ago a tribe believing in Yahweh massacred anyone who had a different God. Now lets assume that their god told them to slaughter those that did not believe in him as a God, does that not make him quite the ass of an entity? I guess it could be attributed to him being the god of Volcanoes and War, but nonetheless, before you claim to know the almighty truth, do some research into the history of your faith. Research theology and do not blindly accept false truths.
This isn't truth. I have reviewed ancient Histoy. And there is no culture like Jews that have such a unique religion. They learned their religion directly from God. It wasn't invented by them. They were chosen by God (A great privilege). Sorry but what you say is fake. It is true however that they conquered many places and destroyed the idols (such as baal a pagan idol). They were taught by God not to ador anything else but him. God is jealous. He asks but two main commandments : Love God amongst all things and love others as you love thineself. In these two commandments is there the basis of the Realm of Heavens. Oh God permit it to come down to earth. May your light spread upon all the world. Amen.
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