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FredGoon Blog

Ocarina of Time and Avacraft

Well I started playing The Legend oz Zelda: Collectors edition again, I was torn between Ocarin of Time or Majoras Mask, But as I had already got into the adult stage as Link I decided to play that. With the help of the guide I managed to complete the Forest Temple and I belive I have 47 Golden Skullaters, I also own the fire residenttunic too. I just went back to The Temple of Time and Shiek was there and she taught me this song that can let me travel through time, now I can go back and forth between adult Link and kid Link whenever I feel like. Alough I don't see much point in this it is nice to go back when everything was great and there was no fighting and war, alough now I can go back and buy the water tunic and rember that darn song to the scarecrow. This is gonna be keeping me up for along time. Also about my last blog for thoose of you who didn't read my comment I made I put it was a misunderstanding, what he said in the PM was that he met this new guy and we are hitting it off. What he ment by hitting it off was starting lots of aguments, I thought you know they liked each other but the fact is he hated him, lol I shouldnt have jumped to conclusions. Anyway so now I am his offical online bf, which makes me alot happier. But because of this I will try and spend longer over at Teenhut hbut don't worry i will still be here. My next video will be my own trailer for MGS3, MGS: PO, MGS1 and MGS2, followed by a Dead Cell trailer and a whole series trailer that may be my last. Also I joined Gamespot on the 6th of August and that day is fast approaching, I will do more on that date. Seya later

My Heart Broke

This may sound silly to some people and even though it was never gonna work I still feel real sad. Well for a couple of months I have been going on this site called Teenhut, as soon as I joined I was greeted by a friendly guy called Avacraft. Me and him were good friends but then things started to get a bit more seroius, we would chat for hours about stuff and then he told me he was gay we spent loads of time talking and stuff after that :lol: But then he asked me where I lived and then I told him but he lives in the US and I live in the UK. So nothing was ever gonna happen so all it was gonna be was fun, but that was cool with me cos atleats I can chat with him. Then just now he sent me a PM saying he has a new BF. As soon as I read that my heart shattered into millions of tiny pieces, I felt really sad and this only happend 10 mins ago right now I am sad. I didnt cry or anything I just shed a couple of tears. But I'm stupid and I should have known that he would have found sombody sooner or later, does anybody else have any heartbrakes too?

Its young me

Ok I posted another picture up as me but i let sombody else see it privately first just to make sure it was ok and it was, go to images and it'll be there. Enjoy

Oh and Before I get any young comments that pic was taken 2-3 years ago its just my best pic.

Simpson movies plus reviews

Yes yesterday I went to go see the Simpson movie and man was it funny, I was afraid that this movie was gonna be like every other eposode and not be as good but oh boy it was really good. Way better than any eposode, lots and lots of great comody moements but I wontsay any incase I spoil it. In other news my reviews are coming along quite nicely, and I think they are fair and friendly, the simpson wrestlining is a must read! Seya

Wii Fun and New Wii Video

Well I have been having so much fun on Wii sports i have only played one game that was Starwars battlefront 2 for 7 minites over the last 2-3 days. It is so addictive and I'm getting more musly due to all the Wii Boxing. I have alos recently joined a Wii union and here is the video i made for it, enjoy!


The Wii is in my posesion.

My last blog was rushed so I am going to redo it. Well it was a typical day, nothing much happend. I finshed Starwars Battlefront 2 Story mode and I'm on my last galatic conquest mode then I can just play instant action till I get bored. I reviewed and played Simpson Wrestling, I always like reviews where I get to bash stuff, its actully pretty funny a must read. I played Runescape for a while and my prayer leval is almost 31 then I'll be alouwd into The Monk Monastry. And I updated my union The Q Force. Then around fourish I went down stairs and started to watch a TV show called Suger Rush, a funny sitcom about a 15-18 year old lesbian. Then I started to play Spryo one, then as I was playing it my dad walked in very causly and walked into the hallways. I was in the living room at the time, my sister came and hugged and said hi when she started shouting "Dad got us a Wii" I did not belive this for one minite since number one he said the chances of us getting one is one to one million. And number two even if he was gonna buy us one it would be xmas 2008! And number three I tried that on my sister once and ran in saying we got a Wii, she ran in yelling yeeeees but then was a bit sad after I said "Oh sorry its a PS2 game instead" Lol that was actully quite funny. Anyway so i just contuined playing my game without even looking and then she brought a Wii box into the room and goes ta da, the next part might make you screem all you Wii fans out there but i didnt know. Well I picked up the box and dropped it on the floor, my sister screemed NOOOOOO, then I opened the box and relised there really was a Wii! That made me go white and I thougt I broke it, lucky its ok. So we set it up and our first trip was to The Mii Channel. Well for starters my sister creadted her first then me. I was actully quite amazed by all the things you could do, all the diffrrent textures and you can create basilcy anything you want on there face from eyes,moles,glasses even make up! But sadly you could only change the colour of your top, mines Purple :P and my sisters was orange. Then our next channel was quickly The Disc Channel., well the game that came with it was ofcourse Wii Sports. I was actully pretty dissapointed because most people give this game a bad review, I started playing it and I didnt know the hell why! First game was Bowling, bowling games arnt my sort of games, if it wasnt for the Wii Mote in the bin it goes. But the Wii Mote made this game alot more fun, the first couple of trys the ball landed on my foot lol. I did get alot of gutter balls but i got the hang of it in the end. Next my sister playing Baseball, well for you Amercains who read this just to tell you Baseball is not played over across the pond so it was quite new to us. My sister couldnt bat very well and she had such shaky hands. I have very steady hands so I found it quite easy to move. Then it turned half time and then it was her turn to through, throing was quite easy and everybody could do that. I didnt get a chance to bat and we were only aloud one hour on it because its in the living room and thats where everybody is watching TV. Anyway then it was my turn and we moved onto my favorite, boxing! Boxing is increadbly fun and it is great excercise to. For this game I had to use the Wii Mote and the Knunchuck, the knunchuck is very comfortable to hold and it makes it seem like real boxing. I still dont understand how it woks, if I duck my Mii ducks. (Also the Mii's we created are versions of ourself, I think we can hold up to 150, my next one will be a Johnny Mii lol.) If I punch it punches, very strange. But boxing is very tireing, screw the gym I have my own workout now! Next my sister played Tennis, she soon grew bored of that and thet me have a go. Tennis was really fun and a week ago today I played Tennis all day at my school so i understood all the terms such as Duce, love and other stuff. I also knew where was In and where was Out. I was actully very good and we had some good raillies, thats my second favorite. And lastly was Golf, golf is probbaly more for the lazy, old or golf fans to play. I enjoyed it but not my sort of game. Probbaly because I suck! I kept getting it in the water, rough, bunker and trees. Yea so thats all the games, I'll talk about The Wii itself now. Well I'll start with the graphics, well Wii Sports is pretty mixed, the water is very very detailed and so are the bowling balls and the sunlight beeming down on the tennis court. But the Mii's are like Rayman no arms and they do look kinda N64 graphics. By the way, for wii sports i get to play as a Mii so i played as myself, mabey i should create a Johnny Mii and an Ocelot Mii, who would win? Anyway the sound is very good, the Wii Mote itself has buildt in speakers which make there own sounds, so all the backround music and voice acting is on the speakers of the TV, when I swing the racket the noise comes out the Wii Mote making it feel as if your holding a tennis racket, very nice effect. Ok we bought it at £180.00 which is a good deal, and alot cheaper than the PS3. Heck I could buy three Wii's and i'll stil have money left over to buy game and I wont have used up £480.00 which is the price of the PS3. Ok the Wii itself has good channels, there is the internet channel which I do not own so I cannot go on it, this also means I can not go on the Forcast Channel, News channel or the Shoppining channel, at xmas I will but till thenI got games to buy. There is this camra channel but I aint into photography. Before I ownded The Wii I was pretty much like everybody else, just because of the graphics I put it down. But I feel ashamed of that now, who gives a damna agaisnt the graphics when your having so much fun. I dont even think its a gimink that will wear off at all, Nintendo have meerly created a new controller which is good for anybody. I am the person in the house who enjoys it most. It also plays GC games so I will contuine with Metroid Prime and RES1 soon, but the bad thing is its in the living room and the only times that room is free in the moring and evening. So I'll beable to play it twice a day I guess, but soon I will adjust and mabey it will move, alough you need alot of space. While my dad was playing Wii Tennis my dog got in the way and he wacked him in the head lol, poor monty. Anyway now that I have this I have games I want to get such as Resident Evil 4 Wii edition, The Legend of Zelda: Twlight Princess, Wario Ware Smooth moves, Wii Play and I will be when they are relsed I wanna get Super Smash Brothers Brawl, Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles and Super Mario Glaxay. I also wanna get The Wii gun, it looks very cool and will help alot on Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles. Plus we will need a new Wii mote and knunchuck since we only have one. Lol I bet this is my longest blog, I have no idea what my friend code is but when i do i'll tell yall, seya!

My Reviews are back

Well I have started reviewing games again and am doing one once a day, I have done 5 so far and they are very fair and long. My favorite would have to be Crash Bandicoot 1 review and The Simpsons Wrestling review. In gaming news I am mostly playing Starwars battlefront 2 and am getting my scores up really high. I am playing MGS2 but not very much, much more Starwars Batlefront 2. About the whole gamecube issue we re defantly gettinga Wii now so thats good news, seya later

R.I.P Gamecube 2002-2007

I am here today to talk about a very special friend, she was purple, smaller than my other friend Mr PS2 but bigger than my other friend Mr PSP, she was somwhere in the middle. I am very sad to say that some time during yesterday or today she passed away. We are unsure of the reason but now everytime I put a disc in it says reading disc, then it makes thisdereadfull noise and then t says please insert Gamecube disc. We have tried everything from cleaning the inside to cleaning the discs but i guess, it was just her time, everybody has a time. But its sad to see that Mrs Gamecube died a couple of rooms away from her Father Mr N64, this is what he had to say.

"Well I am just heartbroken by this dreadfull occurance, I will mis my poor daughter lots, I never even got a chance to say a proper goodbye..........I'm sorry I need to be alone"

Dreadfull just dreadfull. It is even more dreadfull because 3 days ago I bought two Gamecube games, Metroid Prime and Resident Evil. But do not despair, thoose games will be played again, on her daughter Miss Wii. On christmas me and my sister are getting a PS3, but the good news is my mom seems very intrested in The Wii and really wants one. two years ago my mom got my dad a slim line PS2, so i think its time my dad brought my mom somthing. Me and my sister had such good times on her gamecube, it was my sisters and the first game she got was Super Mario Sunshine, a very good game. The first game we bought toegether was Super Smash Brothers Meele also a great game. The first game I bought was Mario Party 4 one of my favorite gameing experainces. But what I will miss most of all is my favorite game in the world, Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes.

May we have one minte of silence please, I will talk to you later once we find out if we will bother to get it fixed or just throw it out. I still have yet to tell her uncle and aunty the two GBSP and her sister the DS. Farewell

Reviews, Banidicoots back and My newest video.

Yes after much thought I have decided to go back into riting reviews, as you can see I have already wriiten two reviews which i think if you read them bothe are very fair. I am going to review all my PS1 games first followed by N64, PS2, Gamecube, ect. I have also as I am going to be reviewing PS1 games started playing tem again, at the moement i am playing good old bandicoot and I have noticed that naughty dog should have contuied making Crash Banidcoot games and not gone on to Jak and Daxter. Yea and lastly I created a new video, one that took me 5 hours to make and about 1 hour to upload, if you wanna make a video quick dont use so much editing like me. Please enjoy
