FredGoon Blog
Work Experaince Day 5: The Last!
by FredGoon on Comments
Well today was a very very very fun day, but it had a bit of a bad beggining. Well for the past 4 days my dad has driven me there, but he had to go to work so my mum arragned a taxi. Well the taxi man arrived 10 mintes late, he then droove round a bit andwent directly past the school! We couldnt turn round cos it was a one way street so I had to get out and run as fast as i coul. I made it though but was out of breath, anyway onto the day. Well first of all we all got to choose what to do and I played with people on the sand, water, bricks and lots of other toys. Then we went up to the field again to practise for sports day. And my god its really windy! All the kids almost got blown away, one of the teachers nearly did a marry popppins impersanation with the umbrella! Then we had lucnh and my supervisor filled out the form she had to give back to me, she tciked exlent on every single one of the collums! I saw the girl and we had a chat about how she was getting on and she was great to. Then for the last 2 hours I played a Bee game with the kids more sandbox and water games, then it was the end. The teacher made me embrassed and made everybody clap and then she gave me a gift, she got me a card and a box of choclates, wrapped it to. I felt bad not for getting her anything, then it was the walk back to the car. I felt really sad when i left, I took the long way round and looked at all the pupils and they all hugged me and said bye bye. Then I left the school grounds and will never enter again. :(
But it was a great week and I cant wait to get back to school to find out if my friends had a nice time too, seya real soon.
PS, here is my newst vid which is dedicated to sikarl.
Work Experaince Day 4
by FredGoon on Comments
Work Experanice day 3
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Work Experaince day 2
by FredGoon on Comments
Work Experaince day 1
by FredGoon on Comments
Family Reunion, Teen Hut and Work Experaince
by FredGoon on Comments
Yes yesterday I went to a family reunion dun dun duuuuun, I wasnt being over dramatic alot happend that day. Well for starters we were very late due to traffic, when we got there there were loads of people who all said hello to me and they were amazised by how much I'd grown, but I didnt know any of them, I knew about 7 or 8 but there was like 50 people there. Everybody got drunk sept me cos I dont drink so I got to take advantage. I asked my dad for £5.00 and he gave me £10.00, he didnt rember giving it to me the bnext morning :p. Yea so it had its ups and downs. Another thing i did was join this websiste called Teen hut, here is a link.
My user name is Spike, what it is basicly is Gamespot forums, there are loads of forums and there about anything really. From games to sex to school to celebrities and many more. If you join or are already a member please list your name here. Yes and lastly my work experaince is tommrow and I am really really nervous. I keep thinking I'm gonna be late, mess up, look untidy, smell loads of things. I will tell you how it works out. Well seya later.
Mind Quiz pulled from Shevles and work experaince.
by FredGoon on Comments
My last exam went out with a rather destructive bang
by FredGoon on Comments
Movies and New MGS Video
by FredGoon on Comments
Lately i have been watching loads of movies and am having trouble decideing which is my number 1, I have finnaly decided and it has to be DareDevil. About a blind man who seeks justice, very cool. Anyway here is my lastest video which is dedicated to my favorite gurl gamer Crzy_gurl, please enjoy
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