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FredGoon Blog

Rachet and Clank Size Matters complete

Yes I managed to finnaly beat Otto and man was he a hard boss, He is the hardest boss in any Rachet and Clank game, I hope now to buy the RYNO but it costs alot so i'll have to save up. But now my main gameing can be put into Metal Gear Solid Portable Op's.

Back to school and new video

Yes Tommrow I am going back to school which I am actully looking forward to, I mean 2 weeks before half term I was doing exams, now Its back to normal so I can have cool lessons again and see friends. And here is a new vid I made all about Vamp pleae enjoy and post comments.


More Updates

Ok heres what been going on, well I am on the final boss on rachet and Clank size matters but its really really hard so it may take a while. On Portable op's I need to create a diversion to get across the rail bridge which is quite easy. I have just finshed RES4 on Easy mode yet again, I also finshed Rachet and Clank 1 4 times and just now I finshed MGSTTS. I havent been playing OOT lately becasue.....................i dunno.

Please forgive me

I am ever so sorry for putting you threw all this but I was a fool to say I would quit. I just can't do it, I'll tell you why I wanted to quit, the real truth. Lately I have been re reading my reviews and I noticed lots of them are biast, so I wanted to re write them all, but there was to many and I had become a leader of a union so it was just to much. So I had this stupid thought and I wanted to quit, but then 1 day after I decided I didn't want to quit, so here I am back again, I hope you can all forgive me.


Yes I am sad to say that I am leaving. I am leaving Gamespot because I have spent loads of hours on gamespot, when I should have been doing somthing else, not that I haven't join Gamepot but it gets sort of possevie over me, I feel bad if I don't go on it evey hour. So I am gonna quit cold turkey. I just want to take the time to thank my friends.

Sikarl- Thanks you were one of my frirst gamespot friends.

Sapphiremicx- For being so funny and being my Jonny argueing partner.

Crzy_Gurl-For being so nice and welocming

Neoplazam.- For making me an officer at The Metal Gear United union after just joining.

Finalfan-For being so funny.

Glenwinton- For making my bannner

Perist- For helping me write lots of reviews and help me in The wind Waker

Loads of other peopel justdont have time to write about em all.

Farewell Gamespot


Make me a banner and you get a reward.

I hope you like my new profile stylings, I just wondered if any of you guys could make me a banner. What I want is a banner that fits perfectly, has my name written in green and a picture of Captin Quark beside it and prefrably a black backround. If any of you guys don't know who Captin Quark is look at my icon and temopray banner. It isnt much as a prize but if you make me one and its really good I will make you an officer in my new union The Q Force.

PS: Have a Quark Tastsic Day!

Cadets its finnaly open

After along time my union has finnaly been created. yes The Q Force is having a rocky start but it will soon pick up, if you havent already joined please do.

The Q Force Update

Well I managed to grab three suckers I mean officers to work at my union, as I only need one more I decided to plan ahead, I made a union vid and here it is.


The Saga of Darren Shan comes to a close

There is a book series called Darren Shan, today I finshed the lot. Darren Shan has to be the best book series in the world, I enjoyed it alot more than playing any game, watching any movie and listning to any music. This book actully makes me feel for the characters when they die or get tricked. This book series isnt for the fient of heart, loads of people die and its full of sadness and mysrey. This inst like the Series of unfortunate events where characters die but you dont care. In this book you actully care for the characters, infact i got really really sad when one of my favorite characters died, and he was the second main character so it took me by suprise.I almost cried. I recomend this series to everyone, its a classic

My Rachet and Clank union

Ok I need to know if anybody likes Raxhet and Clank, because if you do I am going to be setting up a union all bout it. Please put your name if you wish to be an officer, the 1st 4 will be choosen