Good luck finding Chrono Trigger for Super Nintendo new...I'm not saying it CAN'T be done, I've seen a couple, but is it really necessary?
My last place of employment was at an arcade that closed down. I have been in college and hunting for a part time job ever since.
You never know, they could have given you faulty information.I just like seeing stories unfold, sometimes I think people are far too paranoid about "spoilers".
There won't be a D3, D2 on Dreamcast was the last one :)Seriously though, Diablo 3 is going to be the sole reason I upgrade my PC, so I wish it would hurry up and come out so I can see what I need to get.
Hey man I like the 360 controller alot :(. Made it my console of choice.Regarding the Mad Catz controller... Ask yourself, have you ever bought a Mad Catz product and later thought "yes, that was a wise investment"?
I never understood the hatred against people who share their emotions.I miss when we hated gay people, it was simpler.
Well she shouldn't have bought a house that she couldn't afford. My stance. I think we can all agree on that yeah?
"Devs have taken a dark and terrible path of not making good games...and frankly i hope they get whats coming to them games and films should never be compared because we all know games are superior." -stike22 Haha I hope this is your troll account.
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