Yeah it pretty much sucks, I wish series would stay in the genre they established (Resident Evil should be REAL survivor horror and slower paced, Warcraft should be a real time strategy game and not an MMORPG, Banjo Kazooie should be a platformer, not a vehicle building game... you get the idea.)
How would I go about taking saved games to a friends house? I can gather that I would put them on a flash drive obviously (since thats all my system has). But how would I load the game? I know that your game are saved to your "profile". Should I take my profile as well? Any help would be appreciated, I can't seem to find a solid answer.
And yes, I am VERY new to Playstation 3, I only got mine a few weeks ago.
I buy them online through the Wii but it doesn't recognize my zip code sometimes... Or the zip code I had before that... Usually involves me retyping all of my information veeerrryy sllooowwwllyyy.
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