Fredrick2003x's forum posts
Wired obviously... But you can hardly tell the difference anymore, wireless technology is almost good as wired nowadays.
I am kidding.
Really my requirements for happiness are surprisngly slim. I would like a place to sleep (I don't necessarily need to own my own house), I would like internet access, and food and water.
Thats it really. I would like a high paying job, or one that pays enough to "get by" and purchase video games and other forms of entertainment.
Hahaah "advisors".
We should all become advisors, we could just have BS question and answer segments with high school students all day, no knowledge required.
I love writing about myself :3
1. How did you get into gaming?
My stepdad had an atari, and I spent alot of time at the local arcade. I eventually got a job at that arcade when I was old enough, but it closed because kids today are too lazy to drive somewhere to play video games. For my 7th birthday I got a Super Nintendo and the rest is history.
2. What do you think the average gamer looks like?
An average person.
3. What is your opinion on the video game community/how was it when you were a kid?
The video game community has changed, and not for the better. Back in elementary and junior high and stuff, video games were only for the "losers" and the "fatties" and the like. Then all of a sudden "average" people came along and I think the hobby suffered. For evidence of this, go onto Xbox Live for a bit and count the number of insults.
4. How do you act when playing games online?
I act very polite, if I talk at all, after someone tells you "how hard your mom was ****ed last night" its really hard to have a pleasant conversation.
5. Where do you see video games in the future?
I see video games staying where they are for awhile, we just now reached the HD era so we need to just let everyone catch up with that for now. I think games will stay around where they are and then later move onto the "virtual reality" realm.
6. Describe yourself! (as a gamer, personality, habits, language etc)
I play games when I want to play games, and that is pretty much it. I know some people have figured out "how many hours per week" they play, but I don't have the patience to time myself, especially when my sessions can run anywhere from 20 minutes to 5 hours. You never really hear people talk about "how many hours of movies they watch per week" so why should we do the same with videogames.
Hope this helps... Err... I know it won't buy I had fun writing.
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