@biggator @FreedomPrime lol I meant my gaming life. Everything is getting stale these days. nothing but COD style FPS shooters. I want something different from the norm.
@2bitSmOkEy @FreedomPrime @Gamer_4_Fun @King9999 star craft 2 is the most balanced RTS ever made. it's also the first RTS that figured out how to make a rock, paper scissor (three races that are perfectly balance and counter each other as well) work well. it was innovating for the time and since then every RTS has copied the sc formula.
@BloodyEddy09 @FreedomPrime I completely disagree with you on the story aspect of the game. it wasn't interesting and it wasn't told very well either. but, I should mention that metro 2033 is one of the best fps games Ive ever played. also there have been many fps RPG hybrids that came out before bioshock and did them better. Deus ex, system shock etc
@petez34 @FreedomPrime @spammehardo No one said the game wasn't fun. and I never said it wasn't a good game either. My comment is about a game with average game play mechanics and less then average story telling getting high praise for the simple fact that it had a great environment.. You should learn how to read and how to comprehend what you are reading before you comment.
@spammehardo @FreedomPrime exactly, the story in bioshock was not at the forefront, simply because it really wasn't good. it was just an excuse to go to this amazing under water city. which again, is the only interesting part of the game to me.
FreedomPrime's comments