bio shock to me was highly overrated. The story tell wasn't anything special. the game play itself wasn't innovating. I think the reason people seem to rate bio shock so highly is because of it setting. bio shocks under water world was amazing, I get that. but that alone to me doesn't make a great game.
all I want is a monster hunter on the 360 or ps3 with real HD graphics and online multiplayer options hell, even the PC. monster hunter would be Epic on steam.
seriously Gamespot, You need to add Facebook login option. So we can see these trolls for what they really are. People like @Darnasian hide behind the internet way too much. tear down the barriers!!!!!
@Darnasian ahahahah i know right!?!? that's sooo coool!?!?!? man, you must get laid sooo much!?!?!?! Ugh I was super elite at LOL like you bro!!!?!?!? teach me how to be GOD LIKE!!?!?!
@Darnasian @FreedomPrime @aryanbrar @2bitSmOkEy So people who have a avatar's of FPS characters only play FPS games!? 0_o so based on your own statement Id say you love warcraft 3 and that is the only game/genre you play!? you are not very smart.....
based on the fact that this is me and that is my attractive girlfriend, id said I do have a life and a rather great one. Good luck with making friends! You are doing a wonderful job.
@Darnasian @aryanbrar @2bitSmOkEy actually, many other genre's introduce additinal map all the time. statecraft, company of heroes, hell, even fighting games include new "arena's" even tho it's for a cosmetic purpose only. Claiming it's FPS genre only is ignorant.
@Darnasian @FreedomPrime I find it ironic that this started with you mocking another person's grammar and yet your grammar is just as terrible. as far as the "casual" remarks go, yes, I have a life. You mad bro?
FreedomPrime's comments