@wavelength121 @FreedomPrime I manage a local Mom and pop game store. I'm there 60 hours a week. wanna know how many woman come in and buy AAA games for themselves? maybe 1 or 2 a week out of 500-700 people. At my store if you have an account with us you get 10% off everything. the account is free as well so almost everyone of our customers signs up. the woman to men ratio for my store is is ridiculous its as if then don't even exist. so again, I know far more about this what my point was then you do sir.
@wavelength121 @FreedomPrime You clearly don't understand my point, woman are not the majority of the market sir. If you can't understand that and the point I am making then you clearly are the "dumbass" here.
caro, I like you but you do not make games nor do you market them. You don know what the market wants. You know what you want but what you want doesn't sell because the market for it is non existence. Granted I personalty don't care whether the main character is male or female as long as the story and game play is fun I'm happy. But alot of gamers/bro's don't want to play as a woman, they want to bro fist their friends online ans kill everything.
FreedomPrime's comments