The graphics at this point are hitting a wall. this really doesn't impress me as much as the last generation videos did. oh well. I guesss we were gonna hit the wall at some point.
@buckwild73 @couly @d_train73 You people are dumb. you don't even realize that EA is a company who needs to make money to stay in business. Innovation has risk, if the game fails they could go out of business in a heart beat. Id like to see you run a multi million dollar company. Think about how many games come out, suck because they had some new cool ideas but were in the end sub par and didn't sell. singularity, spec ops, never dead, shadows of the damned. all of these games tried to innovate and were punished for it. it's not EA's fault they the general public want "safe" games. in this economy people can't afford to risk their $60 on a new games they never heard of. so again, you know nothing about this subject so sit down and Shut up.
@buckwild73 @joke_man @deathstream Not even close. I am a PC gamer and all graphics do is make the game more enjoyable to look at, after a few mins you forget about the graphics and you focus on gameplay. gameplay is all that matters in this genre.
@YOURMOM204 7.5 isn't a bad score.... it must be terrible to be you, ya know, not being able to read.... (game score says 7.5 and under that states GOOD)
@fluffy_puppy666 The last Call of duty did not receive a sir. Not to mention whether you like it or not COD has better multilayer then this game and better set pieces. Crysis has better graphics but COD is still a more enjoyable package hence why it scores higher. BTW i am not a fan of COD just stating facts. the only FPS games I play are halo and Counter strike.
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